Chapter 17

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Nani’s POV:

                “I’m going to take a shower.” He said quietly as he grabbed his clothes. I tried to calm my breathing again and I just watched him curiously. I could have sworn he was going to try to molest me again. But he just looked blank again as he walked into the bathroom and slowly closed the door and locked it.

                I shook my head and looked down at my toes. I didn’t know what to do anymore and I didn’t know what to think of my kidnapper but the one thing that rang through my mind was that he was definitely not doing this on his own. Someone else was pulling the strings, but who and why?

                As I thought of this something shiny caught my eye on the top of the dresser. I squinted my eyes and stood up as I slowly approached the old wooden dresser.

It was a key.

                A key to what? I gently wrapped my fingers around the small old fashioned looking key and ran my thumb over it. My eyes scanned the room quickly thinking of anything it could unlock. Niall said the front door had a security code on it so it couldn’t be that. I furrowed my eyebrows and then suddenly I looked down the slightest and I remembered; the top drawer of the dresser where Niall kept his journal locked away so secretly.

                My heart started to race as I glanced over my shoulder to the bathroom door. The pipes groaned momentarily and the water turned on. A quick peek at the journal couldn’t hurt right? I could put it back before Niall even notices. I bit my lip in between my teeth and then slowly put the key into the dresser and turned. It was a perfect fit as the lock clicked unlocked. I smiled to myself and slowly opened it and took out the leather journal as I walked over to the bed with it.

                It was black leather and it had a stain on the cover. Was that a blood stain?  I thought to myself. My fingers trailed over it gently but I knew I had to hurry so I quickly opened it to the first page. Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what I was about to read.

Page 1: Dear Journal,

                Today is my 10th birthday but it is anything but good. Mom and Dad are fighting again and I think it is about me this time. Greg, my older brother, had rushed us into my bedroom upstairs when the fighting began so I guess I don’t know for sure what it is about but I heard my name a few times among the yelling. Guilt was an overwhelming burden on me.

                The fighting had been going on for a long time as me and Greg sat on our beds listening carefully in silent unspoken horror. Suddenly we heard the grunts of my father, screams of my mother, and the unmistakable sound of a fist hitting skin repeatedly. My mother screamed in horror and Greg tried to cover my ears but it didn’t really work. I watched as my parents shadows danced from underneath the door in an eerie way.

                Suddenly an ear piercing shot echoed through the house making me and Greg both jump. My mother no longer was screaming and there was a loud thud, like a person falling to the ground. Greg uncovered my ears and yelled for me to get underneath the bed and I quickly did so. He ran to the door and opened it. As he ran out he screamed “Dad no!” before another ear piercing shot rang through the walls of the house. He sobbed and dropped to his knees and I just watched, too terrified to move.

                Greg ran back over to me after a few minutes of sobbing and he told me to wait underneath the bed no matter what and that he was going to get help. When I asked what was going on he just told me to wait under the bed and then he ran out of the room and out of the house.

                I have been waiting for 3 hours now and Greg still hasn’t returned. I admit, I cried because I am so scared right now. I am under the bed and I found this journal that my great grandma gave me for my birthday so I decided to write to try and calm down. It’s helping a bit but now I am going to try and sleep until Greg returns.

-End of page 1-

Holy shit….

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