Chapter 5. Death warmed over (revised)

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I am truly sorry for the delay in uploading, but I think my computer got carpal tunnel from all of this.  This chapter is a little more harsh but things will get better.  As a disclaimer, there is a comment in the end, but please remember, that is only for the character.  I am in no way a person that would talk that way about Special Needs individuals, They are my heroes.  This chapter is violent and if you have a weak stomach, please have your antacids close by.

Chapter5. Death Warmed Over!

Ambulance sirens were still wailing, dogs were barking to beat a band and Ray was cursing like there was no tomorrow as the officers were trying to put him in the back of the squad car. The paramedics had arrived just as Sergeant Dennum had yelled out “Holy mother! I need something here quick to stop some of this bleeding! ” The paramedics had started trying to staunch the blood flow on Katti. They had moved her out of the SUV protecting her neck even though they could obviously tell there was not an accident, they had no idea what she had suffered at Ray's hands.

As they were cleaning her face to check her eyes Katti came to with the most awful smell in the world assaulting her nose. “Ugh” gasping for air that didn't reek of ammonia. Katti struggled to sit up so she could run.

“ Easy Ma'am. Just lay back and let us do our jobs” the voice said. “ I am a paramedic, you have been attacked and we hear you were very brave, but I need you to lay still and let us finish checking you before we take you to the hospital.”

“No! No hospital, I have to be here when my boys get home.” Katti was terrified. Too many people, too much activity and all those hands touching her. “I will be fine, just let me up so I can wash my face and get an icepack.”

“Ma'am can you tell me your name?” the paramedic said.

“Katti. Katti Lentner.” Katti answered. “What is on my face? I can't see very well out of my left eye.”

“Mrs. Lentner, you have a cut beside your left eye but looks like you are going to have one heck of a shiner on your left eye.”

“It is Ms. Not Mrs. What is your name?” Katti spoke in an anxious voice.

“It is David Gorman, most people call me Gor and I will be your paramedic today.” David chuckled with her trying to calm her down.

“ My youngest sons name is David.” Katti told him. “Oh my God. What time is it?” she asked frantically. “If my sons get home and see all this they are going to freak out!” Katti was getting nervous again.

“Ma'am, Katti..” Gor's voice was very low and gentle. “Katti, is there anyone we can call to pick them up and maybe they could stay the night with them?” Gor looked around and spotted Sgt. Dennum. “Hey, Dennum can you come over here a minute?”

Katti tried again to sit up only to have a hand on her shoulder restraining her. “Please let me sit up, I am really fine, just a few scrapes and bruises.” she said shakily.

“Few scrapes and bruises? Wow, I would hate to hear what you call really banged up! Now Ms. Lentner, you have just had a very narrow escape and these guys are just trying to help you. We all are.” Sgt. Dennum told her as he reached over to take her right hand. “Look these guys are the very best, we work together a lot. Just lay back down and lets not wrestle too much. I don't think the IV they hooked up is ready to go a round with you.” He said trying to ease her mood. “ I am Sgt. Dennum and I need to ask you a few questions. Will it be easier to do it now or at the hospital?”

“ Hey, Dennum. That is the problem. She is worried about her sons getting home and seeing all of this.” Gor told him.

Sgt. Dennum looked at Katti in her good eye, flinching at the way her face was swelling and at all the bleeding that was still there needing to be stopped. He knew there were going to be a lot of stitches before they were through with her. He squeezed her hand and smiled before he said “ Ma'am, I don't think there is anyway that some concealer and makeup will cover all of this. I am sorry, but I have to agree with the expert here, you really need to go to the hospital. We can call someone for you if you would like.”

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