Detention Is For Making Friends

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“Holy shit!” Hannah screeched when she came running into the classroom. She was late as usual, I knew she had been running down the hallway to make it to class in time, but when she arrived she stopped dead when she saw our new teacher. He hadn't bothered to look up from his papers when we came in, but she apparently got his attention when she stepped in. He looked up from his desk, and right at her, his eyes widened in surprise and a mischievous smile played on his lips. 

“You again!” He exclaimed, making Hannah blush wildly. She muttered a quiet apology for being late and sat down on her seat to my right. She sent me a surprised look and I just shrugged, I was as confused as she was. I looked up again and immediately made eye contact with Mr. Daniels. I mentally snorted at that. Mr. Daniels. How could that asshole be a teacher? If his eyes had been wide when he saw Hannah they were round as, I don't know, the moon now.

“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” He said loudly, looking straight at me. The other students in the classroom turned to look at me as well. “It's the trespasser from yesterday.” I felt my cheeks heat up but I didn't look away. No way was he going to win this time. I felt like we were just staring at each other for an eternity, but it really was only about half a minute before Ian just chuckled slightly before turning away to walk to his desk again. I let out the breath I didn't know I had held as Devon nudged me in the side with his elbow.

“That's him?” He asked in a hushed tone, “He's the one who moved into the old house?” I reluctantly looked away from our teacher to nod at Devon.

“Yep. That's Ian ’I'm An Asshole’ Daniels” I muttered. Or I thought I did, apparently I talked louder than I thought and the people nearest to me began giggling.

“Since you seem to know my name, I only think it's fitting I learn yours, Miss...” He trailed off, clearly expecting me to state my name out loud in class. But I didn't. After waiting on me for a few painfully slow seconds, he arched an eyebrow and grabbed a piece of paper from his desk.

“Fine then. I better take attendance for the whole class then. When I say your name please stand up and say a clear ’Yes’ or ’here’, so I can see whom you are. I apologize in advance for being slow at learning your names. Now, where is Adam Thompson?” A tan brunette stood up two seats over from my spot and said his ’here’. Ian acknowledged him and the boy sat down again.

“Ah, I see we have twins in here. Is Avery Thompson present?” The girl in the centered seat in the front row stood up with a yes. Ian sent her a smile and checked her off on the list. He went through a few more names and then came to, “Hannah Perkins?”

Hannah reluctantly got up and said, “I'm here.” In a small, shy voice. I recognized this voice; she only used it when she talked to hot guys. I groaned silently, she didn't think Ian was hot, did she? But judging from the color and look on her face when Ian sent her a beaming smile and a “It's nice to officially meet you, Miss Perkins.” She did. She absolutely thought he was hot. Hannah quickly sat down again and he went on to the next name.

“Katherine Roman?” He said, but I refused to stand. He couldn't make me. I just crossed my arms over my chest and stared defiantly at the teacher, who looked at the class before smiling slightly. “I can see this is the last female name on the list, so I'm guessing you must be Katherine?” he said, the humor in his voice was clear.

“It's Katie.” I finally said, loud and clear.

“Not to me. In this room you'll just be Roman. But even though you failed to do as I asked, I can see you're here.” He crossed my name off the list, “and I assure you” he continued, looking at me with a spark in his eyes, “I won't have any trouble remembering you. Is there a Michael Clay in this room?”

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