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Chapter 24

I was awake, but I kept my eyes closed. What if the guards of the Gov were still here and waited for me to wake up to question and then kill me? Damien said they didn't even ask questions.

After a few minutes of listening to silence I opened my eyes and sat up. I was surrounded by darkness. I could see nothing. Not even myself.

Was I dead? No, of course, not. Stupid thought.

Before attempting to stand up and escape from wherever I was, I decided to remember what had happened to get me in such a situation. I remember men shouting for us to leave the office. Next they got in. I remember them smashing the door out of its frame. I remember fighting. Not much, but I remember it. Until they all started taking on gas masks and a smoking bomb was thrown to the floor. I remember feeling dizzy and that was it. I felt like I was missing something. Something important for adding all the pieces together.

I didn't have time for this.

I stood up and found a wall by waving my hands in front of me like a blindman. I followed it and went to what looked like a switch. I hope it wouldn't blow me up. I pushed it and the lights came on. I had to close my eyes to protect them from sudden change. When they got adjusted I looked around. I was in an empty room. It was big, too. It would easily fit my bedroom twice. There was nothing but a door next to the switch. I put my hand on my ear, but found my earpiece missing. No Damien. Great.

I went to open the door being sure it was locked, but the handle twisted and I went out. I was in a room next to the Control Room. There was no one around. I decided to enter the Control Room. I'd at least see what was happening through the building if I didn't get killed.

I twisted the doorknob and opened it just as easy as the previous door. I walked in, seeing no one inside. I closed the door behind me. It was all too suspicious.

I went towards the screen that showed cameras. Instead of images from the cameras all around the building like the last time I saw, one simple sentence was written: The recording of you.

I grabbed a wheelchair and sat on it, looking at the screen. Suddenly the words disappeared and I saw an image from yesterday. All of us were back in that office. Shade and Cora were talking about something while Mara and the others just sat around the round table. I was sitting next to Dice in the corner. It was the exact moment when the man outside called out for us to give up.

I saw myself clearly. But what I saw isn't what I remembered.

I saw a smoking ball being thrown inside after none of us bothered to answer. I was sure it happened after we fought. I was positive. But I clearly saw myself drop unconscious to the floor along with everyone else. I hit my head. Ouch. I saw people dressed like guards take us out one by one.

The screen went blank for a second and then it showed another image. It was me, again. I was in a cell that Shade was in earlier. I didn't remember any of these.

I saw myself shift on the floor and then I opened my eyes. I sat up, rubbing my head and looking around. There was no one there except for me. I saw myself walk to the bars to check if it was open. Of course it's not, stupid. I guessed by the expression on my face that I was trying to find an exit. I don't know what came to my mind, but my face lit up. The me on the screen closed my eyes and focused on something. When I opened them 30 seconds later or so, I opened my clenched fist. A small flame was dancing on my palm. I saw it grow stronger. I directed it to the cell lock. I understood. I was melting the lock.

Clever, Ruby, very clever.

Soon enough I was able to open the door and I exited the cell. The main door was open and I exited. The image switched to another camera: the one in the corridor. I noticed my earpiece was already gone by then.

I saw how I walked to the staircase and walked down. Guess I didn't trust the elevator much without the connection with Damien. There are no cameras on the stairs, so the next scene was of me walking on the second floor. I was already with everyone else including Dice, Shade, Mara and aunt. I had to meet them on the stairs. We all walked towards the control room with confidence. The cameras switched to the ones in this room and I saw that we all piled inside. We all went to different computers and started searching for something. We rummaged through everything on the computers until Dice said something. Unfortunately, the film was made without a single sound. Shame on the director.

Anyways, after whatever Dice said, we all went to look at his screen. He had to find what we were all searching for. After exchanging a few words we went back to our places. We all pushed a few buttons and in a second or two we threw our hands in the air and started hugging.

"What..." I whispered. What the hell was happening?

Suddenly, the screen went black and a sentence popped up in white colors: You just removed the influence of the additive in everyone.

The screen went back to us and how we hugged. After that we just left the control room. Next scene was already on the first floor. I don't know what made us think we could leave without anything standing on our way, but we walked towards the main entrance door. Suddenly, the doors in front of us opened before we approached it and men loaded with guns entered, pointing everything they had at us. We all raised our hands as the sign of giving up. I don't know what was that all about, but I was put in the room where I woke up just a few moments ago.

The scene switched again and I saw some man in the control room turn the additive affect in people back on.

What the hell was happening?

The screen turned black again and another sentence popped up.

They toyed with you. They changed your memories. Find others.

It was from Damien.

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