Chapter One

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Its too early in the morning... my phone was blowing up with texts. I read some of them, they consisted of "Are you okay" "Im so sorry" and other bullshit like that. I wonder what all these people meant. I went through all the names looking for Sarah's name and found a new text from her sent about 7 hours ago. Sadly I sleep unlike normal people so haven't seen it till now. I read the first line and after that i was blinded with tears and my phone dropped and so did I.

I woke up to see my little brother just examining me wondering if i would wake up and when i did his face lit up with joy. Unfortunately mine I thought would never do that again.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a certain level of innocence in his voice

"I don't know" is all I could seem to say. I picked myself up off the floor and my brother gave me the biggest hug.

I took a shower and got dressed in a white shirt and my jeans. I kissed my mom and brother goodbye and started driving.

I went down the street and my phone continued to buzz and I read them, they scared me because I wanted to believe that everything is okay but it's not.

I called Sarah but no answer... I heard her voice, her quiet voice. Sadly it was only a voicemail and it was the last thing I would ever hear her say, "Hey it's Sarah I'm not available right now and probably never will be."

A/N ik its my first story and this chapter is so short  welp. Let me know if I should continue because if not their is no point

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