*chapter nineteen

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Lisa's p.o.v

I saw Nick Stokes and turned around to run the other way. I got half way down the street when Nick's partner Catherine knocked me down. "stop fighting. We're trying to get you put in a good home." I slipped out of her hold and tried to punched her in the stomach. She grabbed my arm and slammed me on the ground and put hand cuffs on me. "Catherine, we agreed not to use cuffs." Nick spoke up when he got to us. "She hit me Nick. She gave me no choice." She handed me over to Nick. "Correction. I swung at you. I didn't hit you." I propped myself up on Nick's car. "So what may I help you fine officers with on this nice evening?" I ask in a sarcastic tone. "Well for starters you can explain why you ran away and then explain why you hit my partner." He demanded. "Hmm first ran from you? Because you were gonna take me to Jason. Second, I didn't hit her. I tried and then I got my face slammed into the ground." I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay. Get in the car. We're going home. Maybe Jason will be able to find out your attitude problem." He opened the back door and put me in the car. We drove all the way to his house. "bye Nick. Don't let that brat run you're house." Catherine said.

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