Chapter 25

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It was the first show is Zug. It was fantastic and great fun to watch it was nice having Dougie by my side and being able to cuddle up to him. The twins were fast asleep Savannah was in the pushchair and Oscar was on the sofa next to me and Dougie. We were sat in the posh box which was as nice.

When the show finished we then met up with the 5sos boys and headed for the hotel for some well-deserved sleep. We were all shattered we had not stopped all day and I crawled into bed. It was great having Dougie there and not needing to have a shower because he wasn't sweaty from the show. It had been just over a year since the last Mcbusted UK tour had finished and that year had gone in the blink of an eye.

Dougie helped me get the twins in bed and Seb who was old enough to have a room of his own. He was only next door to us but still needed a poke to get into bed. Once all 3 kids were in bed me and Dougie got into bed and he wrapped his arms around me like normal and we fell asleep.

Next morning, I woke up before the other to go out for a run to Jodie and Ash thankfully Oscar didn't wake up so I was able to go without him but our run was cut short because I had to go back Oscar was having a bad morning which had become more over the last couple of weeks I thought but he was too young to tell but I thought he had autism but we would have to wait until he was about 3 of 4 to get him tested. But when he woke up and I wasn't there it set him off and he got really upset but we had been out about an hour and a half and were heading back when Dougie called so it wasn't too bad.

"Hey baby." I said when I got back to the hotel getting Oscar from Dougie

"Momma." Oscar said holding out his arms

I took him and he got in the shower with me. He soon calmed down and was ok again some days he was fine and some days he wasn't he was normally ok with Dougie but I guess today was a bad day. When Oscar was a having a bad day he had a bad day sometime nothing would calm him down other than singing or milk somedays it took 5 minutes it depended on how bad a day he was having. But he was a good boy and I wouldn't change him for the world he is my little prince and Savannah a was my little princess. They are both loved but all the Mcbusted boys and 5sos boys.

We got out the shower I got Oscar dressed and Dougie got Savannah dressed then breakfast arrived. We ate then headed down to find the other Oscar wanted Ash this morning Ash was more than happy to carry Oscar in the sling so for the whole day Ash was walking around with Oscar on his back chatting away to himself. The only time Oscar came down was for some food and to have his nappy done at lunch time that was it.

"Thanks Ash." I said when we got to the arena for sound check that afternoon

"Do you want me to take him?" Dougie asked

"No he's fine have you got any ear defenders?" Ash asked

"Yeah but why?" I asked

"Sound check it will hurt his ears otherwise." Ash said getting his drum sticks

"You can't do sound check with Oz on your back." I said

"Yes I can. If he has ear defenders on, then I can." Ash said

I wasn't going to argue my case I didn't had the energy for it so I got Oscar's ear defender which were blue with little pirates on the side and put them on a half sleeping Oscar.

Ash did sound check with Oscar on his back and Oscar fell asleep. He loved listening to the 5sos boys play it was his favorite thing to do he was only 1 and a half but he loved his music.

Sadly, much to Ash disgust Oscar had to come down off his back for the main show. But Ash was looking at Oscar for most of the show smiling and when they were talking h waved at him and he even just before the end of the show came and got Oscar and took him on stage.

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