Ch. 22: Annoying Articles

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Ch. 22: Annoying Articles

Yesterday, it was announced that the Yule Ball was going to take place on December 24, the night of Christmas Eve, and the girls could not be more...annoying. Everyone I knew was freaking out, and for some god-forsaken reason, they all figured that I was the person to go to for dating advice.

I mean seriously, me? The girl who has never even been kissed gives out the best advice. What is this world coming to?

"I want Leo to ask me, but I'm afraid that if I don't ask him, he will ask someone else! Like Lavander Brown, for goodness sakes, please don't tell me he is going to ask Lavander," Jenna admitted as she paced around the room, her long, blonde hair was thrown up into a messy bun, dressed in a grey spaghetti strap tank and yoga pants.

"Look, Jenna calm down." I sighed and sat in the lotus potion on my four-poster bed. "There's an easy solution to your problems."

Jenna stopped pacing, a few blonde strands sticking to her face, and turned to me. "What? And if you say 'just go alone' I swear to Godric, I will strangle you."

"No, what I'm going to say is: you should just ask him yourself," I said. I ran a hand through my dark hair, already bored of all this drama and it was only the second day of it. There was a whole month before the dance! "Just gather your nerve, go up to him and say 'Hey, so I was wondering if you would go to the Yule Ball with me?' If he says no, then you move on. There's better fish in the sea. If he says yes, then you have your date." I tossed my hands into the air. "Easy as that."

Groaning, Jenna sat down next to me and moaned lazily. "Ugghh, nooo that's tooo hard!" Suddenly the door banged open and a furious Lana came marching into the room.

"I am so pissed off!" She screamed, causing me to jump a little. Lana was not known to lose her temper so easily. "He was my only choice -- I don't really know any other guys who wouldn't have dates, but low and be-fuckin-hold! She asks him one hour before I have the chance!"

Urgently, I threw my hands over my ears and loudly hummed a tune. "Lalalala! Drama cannot get to my braaain. I don't wanna heeeaaarr iittt." See what I mean? Drama, drama, drama.

Lana pulled my arms away from my head with a half-smile, but she still looked frustrated and upset. "You have no idea."

Jenna pat the seat in between the two of us with a knowing frown. "Lay it on us. We are both sorting through drama right now, anyway." Obliging, Lana threw herself into the spot next to us, face first with a groan. "Now, tell your doctors what the matter is," Jenna cooed.

"Lavander-fucking-Brown!" A muffled reply came from Lana's seemingly dead body. "She asked Seamus to the Yule Ball before I had the chance to -- not that I care too much, but it still pissed me off!" Lana growled and rolled onto her back so we could hear her better. "I mean, it's not like I have a thing for Seamus, but I like him--you know? He's funny and I would have actually enjoyed going with him!"

"Oh! Well-that's great news!" Jenna cheered and bounced up and down happily-but immediatly stopped as she realized that Lana and I where giving her annoyed glares. "I-I mean, that's so horrible-we should kill that bitch."

"Thank you!" Lana flung her arms out and glared up at the ceiling, the angry moment had passed. "Anyway, who am I going to ask now? There isn't anyone that I know who I'd even want to ask." I gave her a look over and tapped a finger to my chin.

"What about Harry or Ron?"

Lana chuckled and looked up at me. "Are you serious? I bet that Harry has girls begging to be his date. He is, like, the most popular kid I know. And then Ron?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I don't want to get on the wrong side of Hermione, dude. She is deadly smart. Deadly smart -- if you catch my drift."

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