Ch. 33: Cold Waters

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Ch. 33: Cold Waters

Fred's PoV:

        I watched as Elle and Diggory strolled past the Quidditch Pitch fields, chatting animatedly to each other.

The wind kicked up a flurry of frosted hair and blew Elle's dark brown waves around her like ribbons in the breeze. She shivered and ducked deeper into her Gryffindor cloak with a smile. My stomach clenched, watching Diggory laugh and reciprocate the grin with his cavalier smirk.

     I rolled my eyes and turned away.

I didn't like to admit it, but the fact that L had been hanging 'round Diggory for the past week was really starting to get to me. She'd told me that nothing was up, but come on — who clings together that much and not have feelings?

Shoving those thoughts aside, I grabbed the small parcel I'd bought for her off the wooden bench beside me and shoved it into my pocket. Hermione'd let it slip that their birthday was tomorrow. I wanted to be the first to give Elizabeth her present.

A few hours passed, and I decided the best time to give L her gift would be tonight. Hour after hour passed, but she never returned. Finally, George had become bored of our repeated rounds of Gobstones, and decided that he would be better off spending the rest of the night studying. It was getting close to curfew, but L never came back.

Frowning, I checked the clock on the mantle of the Common Room fireplace once more, furrowing my brow as the warm fire crackled and sparked. She hadn't come back.

I didn't find it too strange, after all, Elle was like George and me. She wandered too, but my legs were sore from waiting. So, I decided to go looking for her — ignoring the Fat Lady as she threatened to warn Professor McGonagall that I was out of the tower after curfew.

The portraits were awake, chattering quietly amongst each other about the Triwizard Tournament. I imagined that the life of a portrait would be rather dull, so gossip was all they really had.

Unsure of where I really was headed, though recognizing the path, I stalked through the stone halls. Rounding a few tight corridors, I found myself headed towards the Hogwarts Kitchens, coincidentally... it was also the corridor that led to the Hufflepuff Dormitory.

I shook my head, sure that Elle wasn't there. 'Besides, Diggory was dating that Ravenclaw girl...' I assured myself.

There was a malicious cackle that rung through the hallways. Then, a banging of pots and pans following by loud crashing. I stopped dead in my tracks and decided to double back to the Gryffindor Tower, knowing that evil laugh anywhere.


I didn't want to face him without at least Lee to back me up. The poltergeist would rat me out as soon as the drop of his top hat. I already owed McGonagall one roll of parchment, I'd rather not make it five.

L would have to wait until morning to get her present.

        Upon my return to the Tower, I met with a disgruntled looking Harry walking with a paling Longbottom as they too returned before the Head Boys and Girls were prowling the Castle.

"What's the matter Harry?" I joked, stopping them in their tracks. "My brother got yer goat?"

"Huh?" Harry rose a brow, confused, but shook it off. "Sorry, Fred — I've got to do more research. Do you mind?"

      "Not at all, not at all." I shrugged them off as they started to walk past me. "Oh, uh — Harry?" He turned back to me and rose a brow over his circle spectacles. "You seen L anywhere around? I've been meaning to give her something."

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