Day 1- Part 2

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Romy's POV- 09:33pm- Ski house's kitchen

I go to the fridge to see what's in there. I hear the kitchen's door banging and I turn around with my mouth full of oreos, I see Ellie walking around the kitchen angrily. She punches the table .

- Dammit! - She finally look at me- You shouldn't eat all the cookies... *loos down*

- Hey Ellie, what happened?!-I say with my mouth full.

- It's... Jason! He is an asshole...

- What he did to you?

- He was mocking with Elliot..

- Really?! He deserve a big slap in that godamn face righ now!- I say angrily, I can't believe he was disrespecting Elliot!

- Yeah.. But forget this... The place is already really tense so I think we shouldn't make it worse.

- Hm ok.. Do you want a cookie? Maybe it will help you forgeting this situation.

- Hm it's just an oreo, Romy...

- They are the best cookies in the world!

- Oh, you idiot!- Tyron walks in and smiles- You're eating oreos before dinner?!

- Yeah, we were hungry and nobody can resist to oreos!

- Sure... - He takes the package out of my hand.

- Hey! What the he-
- I need help carrying the pizzas.

- Pizzas?! Okay!- I drop everything and help him carrying the pizzas to the living room.

- By the way, what about Gary? Haven't seen him yet.

- Oh, yeah, I also don't know where he is. I know Taylor is coming with him.- Gary is my brother. He is a cool guy who's also a pro in computer, mobiles... Well basically everything he wants to and he is always locked up in his bedroom playing videogames with Tyron. They're basically best friends.

- Well, let's hope he isn't very late. He promised me he would bring his Playstation and computer and also the internet..

-Omg yes! I really need internet.

- Well, I'm hungry, let's go!

Gary's POV- 9:05pm- Crappy Bus

Damn! It's already 9 o'clock! We're so late! Me and Taylor saw this brand new store with the most recent technology and all, I'm glad Taylor likes it too.

- Hey, do you think they'll wait for us?- She asks me.

- I don't know. I think they'll AT LEAST leave some pizza behind.

- Ahah, let's hope so... *an old lady coughs behind us* You brought that Internet thing, right...?

- Of course! Otherwise, everybody would die *we laugh*

- Hello! You young kids sound just like my grandsons. Two boys, both addicted to what you guys call "Internet".- The old lady says, coughing again.- Well, I guess I'm having a cold... But, you know what?! One day I just woke up and told them "No!" And they gave me their cellphones. Me... *me and Taylor stare at eachother, both very impatient* ... and we had a very nice day, without the Internet. But next day, they (...)

Hiiii! It's 2016!

Sorry guys, we didn't post for 2 weeks , we're so sorry but, we were inactive because holidays. but, now we're back!

Hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote ;)

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