Chapter One

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My eyes killed when I woke up and my body ached. Everything seemed so much louder and my vision was a bit blurred. I rubbed my eyes and they soon focused again. My vision almost seemed better than normal.

“I’m going insane.” I shook my head.

Stumbling into the bathroom, I turned on the water to wash my face and wake up. Once my face was dripping wet, I grabbed a towel and dried myself. I looked up into the mirror and screamed as loud as I ever had. I clamped a hand over my mouth to make me stop.

“This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream.” The same sentence kept leaving my lips.

To my horror, I was as awake as I ever was.

“No, no, no, no, no, no!!!” I went back into the mirror, but I still saw what had scared me so badly.

On top of my head, were two large, furry, and black cat ears. My pupils had dilated twice their size to have the appearance of a feline-like animal. I opened my mouth slowly, starting to shake in fear. Everything seemed normal except my “vampire” teeth were slightly longer and sharper than before.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?” I screamed.

This had to be some type of joke. Either that, or I am much more insane than I thought. I look like a cat for God’s sake!

“Oh no.” I whispered in horror as something else donned onto me.

I slowly turned my head and looked down behind me. Just as expected, there it was. A long, black, and furry cat tail.

“You have got to be kidding me.” A bitter laugh escaped me as I leaned against the wall and slid down it.

“I’m not a cat! There is just no way! These type of creatures only exist in mangas!” I growled to myself.

Maybe I’m just delusional. I would have to go out and see if anyone else sees what I do. I ran into my room and grabbed a pair of jeans.

“What do I do with this!?” I yelled out in angst as I grabbed the long tail.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” I muttered as I wrapped it around my hip area and pulled my pants over it. A proud smile appeared on my face as I noticed it wasn’t visible as I looked in the mirror. My pants were tight so it kept everything compressed.

I walked outside, but stayed hidden in the shadow of the buildings. I saw one girl walking alone and decided to use her to see if I was really going crazy.

“Excuse me?” I asked as I walked out of the shadow.

The girl looked at me normally then her eyes traveled up to the top of my head. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in awe.

“Oh my gosh! Y-you are a neko! I didn’t think you’re kind actually existed! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” She started to freak out and get really excited.

“You are so cute! Can I touch your ears!?” She gushed.

‘Cute?’ I repeated in my mind. I have never been called that before.

I stood in shock as the girl reached up and touched my ear.

“It twitched!” She squealed, “You are too adorable! Can I keep you?” A grin plastered itself on her face.

‘Out of all the girls, I get a psycho one.’ I mentally slapped myself.

“Um, no.” I shook my head.

“What can I help you with, kitty?” She asked referring to when I first called her attention.

“Oh, nothing. Never mind.” I began to back away from her.

“No! Kitty, don’t go!”

“Sorry?” I didn’t know what else to say to get her away. I turned on my heel and ran away.

“I’m sorry, kitty! I didn’t mean to scare you! If you need me, I’ll be around! My door is always open! My name is Yuki!” I heard her scream after me.

I ran back to my apartment and slammed the door shut behind me.

“This is all real…”

My whole life is going to change.


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