Chapter Seven

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“Where do you live?” I demanded as I dragged the girl down the road.

“Uhhh… two streets over.”

I nodded and picked up our pace. Luckily the girl was bale to keep up well. I could almost feel all of the questions building up inside of her.

“Who was that man? Why did he want to hurt you?”

I knew it.

“He is a friend. He wasn’t going to hurt me.” I replied trying to sound assuring.

“He was going to punch you!” She yelled back.

“He is just…rough with me, that’s all.”

She stayed silent for a second and then she made a gasping noise.

“Oh…OOHHH! I get it. He is your master!” She proudly responded.

“MASTER!? NO! I have no ‘master’!” I shook my head.

Shizu-chan as my master!? That is crazy! No to mention horribly embarrassing.

“Lover?” She asked.

“NOOOO! Oh God no….”

At this point I was ready to push the girl out into the road into on coming traffic. Such horrible images in my head now that she said that…

“Is this your street?” I had slowed down so we were walking.

“Yes, thank you, kitty. Good luck with your master.”

She winked and walked away form me. I turned around and started to walk home. Next time, I was just going to kill the girl. She is ruining my life. More importantly I had to focus on getting home.

I ran all the way home and quickly pulled out my key. I whipped open the door and slammed it shut behind me.

“I have to get out of here.” I panted.

“What’s the rush?”

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest in surprise at the response. It was then that someone walked out of the hall and into the main room where I was.

“Shizu-chan…how….how did you…?”

“How stupid do you think I am, flea?”

He knew where I lived. He was just waiting for me to get home…

“Damn.” I hissed.

I turned around and went to open the door and run for it. However, Shizu-chan was able to predict it and bolted forward. He slammed me up against the door, preventing me from moving.

“You have a lot of explaining to do.” He was so close his breath fanned the back of my neck. A slight shiver went down my spine.

“I don’t have to explain anything to you or anybody.” I growled back.

He flipped me around and slammed me back against the door. We were face-to-face and glaring at each other.

“I think you should, kitty.” He used the nickname the girl called me.

My glare darkened.

“Such an odd nickname. Yet somehow it seems to fit you so well.” He smirked.

We fell silent for a few seconds. Our glares never faltered and there was no other sound but our breathing.

“Why our your pupils so large? Is that why she calls you that, because it makes you look like a cat?”

I didn’t answer him, but just stared.

“Speechless?” He taunted.

Involuntarily, I bared my teeth at him. I stopped as quick as I started. His smirk left his lips and he looked deep in thought. He moved so both of my wrists were being pinned by one of his hands.

With his other hand he grabbed my jaw.

“Open your mouth.” he demanded.

“No.” I growled.

He reached forward and moved my lips apart to show my teeth.

“This ones longer than the others.” He looked at the other side, “same here. Your teeth weren’t like this before.”

“Glad to know you admire my teeth on a regular basis.” I tried to tease my way out of it.

“Nothing is logically matching up here. Your teeth and pupils have changed.”

“I’m a growing boy.” I replied sarcastically.

“Not to mention your complete change in wardrobe.”

“I’m allowed to change styles, aren’t I? I didn’t think I needed permission from you.”

“It also seemed as though you wouldn’t be caught dead in a hat.” He ignored my replies.

“They are comfy and I haven’t had time to get a haircut.”

I watched in horror as he reached up and grabbed the edge of the grey beanie.

“NO! PLEASE DON’T!” I yelled.

“Why not?” He stopped moving.

“Because…it’s just a really bad lack of haircut…”

“I don’t believe you.”

“NO!” I screamed as he went to pull it off.

He stopped and stared at me and we fell into another glare battle.

You take it off then.” He challenged.

“You shouldn’t be telling me to take my clothes off, it’s very rude, Shizu-chan. You should at least buy me dinner first.” I joked.

An idea suddenly popped into my mind. I slammed my head against his so he let go of my hands. I pushed him backwards and kicked him. I spun around and opened the door and ran out. In less than a minute he was on my tail again.

“Let it go!”

I yelled as we ran down the street. I quickly ran around the corner of a building and when he ran around the side, I stuck my arm out so he ran right into it and lost balance. I kicked out his legs from beneath him and ran. 

After awhile of running it seemed I had lost him. I was about to stop running when something happened. I was running one second and the next I was flying forward onto my stomach. I hissed in pain and tried to pull myself off the ground.

I felt someone pick me off the ground and throw me over their shoulder. I was struggling with keeping consciousness as I realized what had happened. Based on the ripped out and bent sign on the ground, Shizu-chan had hit me with it. The impact of my head hitting the ground was making it hard to stay awake.


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