Chapter Four

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“WHYYY?” I yelled in frustration at the mirror the next morning.

I tugged at my cat ears and pouted. It’s been a few weeks since this happened to me. The last two weeks I have spent out of town trying to find somewhere else to live. Because this happened I have to start all over. I’ll have to try and find a place where no one knows me too well.

Newspapers were spread out on my table with highlights of potential places and deals. In a way it was kind of exciting to have a new heart. The other part of me would miss messing around with the people here.

One apartment really caught my eye. It was cheap and only a few towns over. Everything worked out financially and there seemed to be nothing but good things with the place.

A sigh escaped me as I realized I did not even want to leave this town. Somehow this place has grown on me. I knew what was best though and silly attachments would not jeopardize this for me.

I had nothing to do today and it was early so I decided to go and see that apartment for myself. I threw on my beanie and grabbed my wallet and ran out the door. I stood at the bus stop and leaned against a sign waiting.

Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. A small smile made its way to my lips as I saw a vending machine fly up into the air and disappear behind a building.

‘Sucks to be that guy.’ I thought with a laugh. The unfortunate person is probably terrified since they didn’t know how to handle the blonde like I did.

The bus pulling up broke my thoughts. I got on and sat in the back. The people that recognized me were visibly stiff and ready to run if they had to. I almost wanted to laugh, people were so interesting. What did they think I was going to do? Highjack the bus? Mug everyone? Both would probably be pretty interesting to see happen and make quite the story around town.

After swapping buses halfway there, I finally made it to the right town. Nothing felt right when I was walking here.

It wasn’t long before I found the apartment I was looking for. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it from the outside, it looked completely normal like the ones around it. I soon became aware of two guys sitting on the bed of a truck watching me. I shifted my steady gaze on them to show I wasn’t anywhere near afraid. They both smirked and jumped off the truck, walking towards me.

I waited patiently for them until they were in front of me. There was no way I was showing any type submissiveness even if it is their neighborhood.

“Hey there.” One of them spoke up.

“Can I help you?” Only a tint of annoyance in my voice.

“You new?” The other one asked.

“Possibly. Why does it matter to you? Nothing I do should ever have importance to you.”

I took a moment to take in the appearance of the two men. The one who spoke to me first had short black hair that was spiked up. He was slightly built with dark eyes. The second boy had orange hair with blue-green eyes. His build was a bit leaner showing that he was faster where the other guy was more of a fighter.

“You’re cocky.” The man with black hair said.

“Tch.” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have the time to mess with want-to-be gang members.

“What’s your name?” The other one asked.

I didn’t even answer. I turned on my heel and started to walk away.

“Ay! Don’t just walk away!” They both barked after me.

I heard one of them go to grab me. I spun around quickly, caught their arm, and held my knife up to his throat.

“Watch yourself,” I growled, “You don’t mess with people like me. You will lose.”

I let go of his arm and pushed him so he stumbled backwards. The two were left confused and shaken as I walked away.

I spent the rest of the day walking around town. I mapped out where everything was and got a good idea of the town itself. Night soon fell by the time I returned home to Ikebukuro. 


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