Chapter Five

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I let out a frustrated scream the second I was in my apartment again.

“Why!?” I hissed, “Its not fair…”

There was nothing wrong with that town and yet, I hated it. Everything felt uncomfortable and certain things were missing.

“How could I be so stupid?” I sighed; I let myself become too attached to this place.

“This wasn’t the plan!” I threw a pillow across the room, letting it hit the wall and fall to the floor.

I had gotten myself too worked up to the point where I couldn’t even bare to stand and look at this room. I left my room again to the outside city. Maybe some fresh air would do me some good.

The streets were empty and the night air held a comfortable chill. Part of me started to feel relieved. I started walking aimlessly around, no real destination in mind. I kept my gaze on the ground and my head in the clouds.

Something soon caught my eyes to my right. Today’s newspaper. I went into the store that was about to close and bought one. I sat down on a bench across the street and opened it. I went straight to the page advertising housing. There was a highlighter in my pocket from earlier so I pulled it out and began my regular work.

Ten minutes later something odd happened. All of a sudden the paper was not in my hands. Surprised, I looked up and my eyes widened in shock.

“Shizu-chan, fancy seeing you here.” I teased.

A spike of anger split through me as my body began to relax. No, not this again. I watched as he walked over to the street sign and ripped it out of the ground. Knowing my queue, I jumped up from my spot on the bench.

“Whoa.” I grabbed my head, as I felt light headed.

My legs felt as though they wanted to give out and make me stay where I was. I noticed Shizu-chan hadn’t come running at me yet. I looked over at him to see him watching me carefully.

“Something wrong, Shizu-chan?” I tried to distract him.

“Not with me.”

He was catching on to something being wrong with me. No, no, no ,no!

Despite feeling weak, I turned and ran down the road. I wasn’t as fast as I always was, something was weighing me down.

Before I knew it something connected with my back, sending me flying to the ground. The air knocked out of me for a second and shock went through me. That’s when I realized a trashcan next to me that was knocked over as well.

I was grabbed by the front of my shirt and tugged up onto my feet and against Shizu-chan.

“Hmmm, not so strong, are we?” He taunted.

I knew what he said, but nothing processed. I just stared at his eyes as his sunglasses were off. He looked beyond confused as I wasn’t struggling or fighting him. So many emotions and feelings started to go through my mind my head started to hurt.

“What is…” He started but didn’t finish.

He noticed the same thing I did. My eyes were beginning to water because of my frustration. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I came out here to pull myself together! But the second I see him, I fall apart all over again!

I noticed my hands had turned into fists against his chest. I was gripping his shirt and no longer was looking at him. I slowly lifted my eyes to his again. I shook my head and released him. I tugged out of his grip and backed away. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I held out my switchblade out towards him. My hands were shaking and I knew it didn’t look the least bit threatening.

“Get away.” My voice was just as shaky.

There was no usual banter between us this time.

“Not happening, Izaya.” He smirked. He knew he had the upper hand. His eyes were telling a different story. He knew something was wrong and he wanted to figure it out.

“I don’t have time for this.”

I picked up the trashcan next to me and threw it at him, trying to by myself some time. Once it was in the air, I took off running. My legs began working for me again and I was able to run pretty fast again. It wasn’t long though before he was catching up again. I tried to knock things over and toss things back at him to try and slow him down.

I turned quickly onto another street and continued to run. The footsteps behind me disappeared and I slowly stopped running. I tried to calm myself down again as I continued to walk.

“I better start to head ho--“ I got cut off when someone grabbed me and yanked me backwards.

I got pulled into an ally and I started to struggle. The person held me in their grip so I couldn’t get away. I was soon pushed against the wall and pinned to it.

“Shizu-chan!” I said surprised, “I-I…I knew I couldn’t loose you that easily.” I shook my head at my own foolishness.

“Fuck…” I whispered bitterly.

I began to calm down in his touch. This sent the alarm through my body and I knew I had to get away. If I stayed here another second… I for once didn’t know what would happen next…


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