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Justin Bieber

My sisters and I stood next to each other as we watched the men move our furniture back to our new Mansion while my father was on the phone, I took a sip out of my Duncan donuts hot chocolate.

"Alright, this is our new mansion, you can all pick your new--" I walked into the house as I wore my black jeans, my white brand new Supra's along with my black leather jacket, wearing just a white shirt underneath.

"I want this room" I said as I stood in the room with a balcony, the room also had a bathroom connected to it and in the middle of the room was a glass tank connected from the ceiling to the wall with water inside that was running down like a waterfall, probably going to the other rooms.

"Alright son, it's all yours" my father said as the men walked in holding my bed and other furniture. "Dad, why did you Lie?" I asked "excuse me?" "You did take the money" I said as my father looked around "you won't tell anyone right?" "Of course not" I said as my father nodded, "I sent money to my Co-Worker! to frame someone, The police check our mail before its sent so I put in secret codes in it, it was so easy" my father laughed. "I made sure my Co-Worker Frankie framed some random man who worked in my building" my father said as I nodded.

"Alright I think that's it" the man said as my father nodded his head before leaving, "let's get on to my daughters room."

I took my phone out of my pocket and stopped the recording, replaying it as I smirked.


"How was it hanging out with Asher and Ryan?" Jay asked "it was fine" I shrugged, walking into Class as Jason walked over to me pulling me away from Jay.
"So how did it go with my friends?" Jason grinned, "we got along just fine" I smiled "good!" Jason smiled.

I looked over at the doorway to see people laughing as they followed Annie, I walked over to the crowed. "What's going on?" Jason asked as I tried to find out what was happening, "I-I'm not lesbian! And i'm not planning on shaving my head! And even if I was, so what?! That's normal" Annie cried. "Then explain why Justin saw you going into the sex store where he works at buying a strap on!" Ryan laughed as people bursted into laughter, "tell them!" Ryan said as everyone looked at me in interest.

"Well I did see her there" I started off as Jason furrowed his brows, "buying one! she even asked if I could scan it for her so nobody else would know" I said as everyone laughed. "This dude right here! He's awesome!" Ryan said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"He helped me steal an iPhone" Ryan said as Asher smirked. "What? You stole?!" Jason said looking at me in disappointment, "yeah? So what? Don't be a little pussy about it" I spat as Ryan laughed, "come on dude" he said as I followed them along with a group of other people.


"I'm surprised you showed up today" Drew said as I walked into the shop, "yeah.. Sorry about the other day.. I Was just upset about my dad" I sighed as Drew nodded "it's okay, this is your first warning though" he said as I nodded.


I grabbed a cigarette from my pocket and a lighter, lighting up the cigarette as I sat on the park bench. "You're smoking now?" I heard Jason and looked up at him.

"What's up with you? Why are you being like this?" "being like what?" I furrowed my brows, "an asshole" Jason spat as my eyes widened. "Excuse me?" "you're stealing shit, making up rumors about your sister, and now you're smoking? What happened to the sweet little angel that I fell in love with? Now you're just a whiny brat that stomps all over people" Jason shouted as I flinched.

I got up and slapped Jason. Hearing Jason gasp before I got up. "We're over" I said before leaving, sticking the cigarette in my mouth as I walked home.


I walked inside my home as my sisters walked over to me, "you're a jerk!" Kimberly shouted as she pushed my chest "don't fucking touch me" I snarled as her eyes widened, "what's up with you?" Makayla said "I'm tired of having you three pick on me all the time" I spat. "Annie's been crying all day because of what you and Ryan said!" Kimberly shouted as I shrugged "so?" "Are you kidding? You don't care about what you did at all?!" Kimberly said as I laughed.

My father walking towards us, "what is going on?" "Justin and his stupid friend spread a rumor around the school about Annie" Kimberly said as I rolled my eyes, "is this true?" "Stay out of this you fucking criminal" I spat as Makayla and Kimberly gasped.

"Excuse me?" My father said, "you're all fucking monsters! Especially you" I said pointing to Kimberly, "think about it! Before dad got out of jail you actually didn't make fun of me for weeks along with Makayla and Annie, if it weren't for me then Drew still wouldn't be with your bitch ass! Not only that but rumor has it Jay A.K.A MY best friend knocked you up!" I said pointing to Makayla as her eyes widened along with Kimberly who glanced at Makayla's belly.

I heard a bang on the door and walked over to the door, "son! You are grounded!" My father shouted as I rolled my eyes, "kiss my ass you useless old piece of shit" I said opening the door as the police ran into my house, grabbing my father and shoving my sisters aside. "You're under arrest" the police officer said, I smiled as I played the recording on my phone, dancing as my sisters gasped and Annie walked towards my sisters to see what all the commotion was about.

"You three little whores better find somewhere to stay tonight because I'm done taking care of your ungrateful asses."


Thanks for reading cuties!

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