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This fic was written when my English was still developing so I'm sorry it may be low on quality. This is going to be edited.

Misaki sat on the couch looking at the HOMRA members. They looked so happy. Well, why wouldn't they be, when everybody had someone?
Someone who would never leave them...
- Oi Yata-san! Why don't you join us? Guys have hilarious jokes here!
Rikio said while laughing and drinking his beer. Misaki just looked at him with a forced smile.
- It's fine I can hear them over here.
- Okay, whatever you say!
Rikio said with a big smile and turned back to the others.

The time slowly passed until it was quite dark outside. Most of he clan finally left the bar and now there was only Izumo, Anna, Mikoto and a few others. Pretty much everyone who just lived there.
Yata decided to go to his room since he had a few things to do. After he came in, he locked the door so no one would distract him from what he was about to do.

He opened the bottom drawer and took out a knife and a pack of pills.
After that, he slowly rolled his sleeves up, revealing thousand scars on both hands. He did it since the day Fushimi betrayed him.
Misaki took a big breath and closed his eyes for a moment while sitting at the floor. He let all his thoughts pass through his head making his hand move for itself. The knife slowly cut through Misaki's flesh making deeper wounds for every image that showed in his mind.
After for what seemed like eternity, Misaki finally opened his eyes to see what the knife made. He was happy of how the physical pain pierced through his nerves blinding the mental pain. It was so much better than trying to hold your tears in front of your friends.

Then he just waited.

He waited for the blood to stop... But it didn't. He waited five minutes, ten, twenty, but the red liquid never stopped. That made him panic. It's not like he didn't want to die, he did. Just not here. Not in a place where everyone could find him so easly.
He waited ten more minutes and the bleeding finally stopped.

Now, he could make another step.

Misaki slowly pulled his sleeves down and took the pills. He didn't care how many he took, he just ate as many as possible. Then, he slowly wiped the floor from his blood and unlocked the door.

- Oi Yata-san, where the hell are you goin' it's 11:40 p.m already.
Rikio seemed a bit confused as he watched Misaki open the front door
- I'm just going on a patrol, don't worry guys... oh and um... Thanks for everything... don't look for me.
Misaki said while fake smiling and quickly left the bar. He wanted to go into some dark alleys where no one would find him. There were plenty of them in Tokyo so he didn't have to bother about it.

As he was walking down a lightless side street he suddenly felt dizzy and fell on his knees, coughing with a blood. It was the first sign of overdosing on the pills he just had. He waited a minute and with a wall's help he got back up.
A few metres later a sound of footsteps could be heard from the other alley in front of Misaki. He looked up weakly and suddenly felt his body filling with pure anger.

- Oh hello there Mi - Sa - Ki
A familiar voice filled the air.
A tall black-haired man, dressed in blue uniform, stood in front of the boy smiling slyly. It was the man who used to be his everything, who he truly loved. The truth is, he still felt the same about Fushimi he felt two years ago. And that destroyed him the most.

- You.
Yata said with anger in his eyes.
- Aren't ya happy about meeting me again..? Mi~
- Stop.
- Sa~
- I said stop!
- Ki?
- You gonna regret it mokey!!!
Misaki ran as fast as he could towards Fushimi, rage building in his body. Saru was quicker and just before the kick, he jumped to the right missing the hit. It wasn't a long fight since Misaki was very weak from overdosing on the medicine. Short after, Fushimi caught Misaki's hand when he wanted to punch him.
- I thought you can do more than that, idiot.
Fushimi said while laughing and throwed Misaki at the wall.
At that point, Yata was too exhausted to stand back up so he just lied on the floor without moving. Also his cuts opened up again making his arms hurt. He had enough of everything.

Fushimi's smile disappeared when he saw Misaki's white sleeves now covered in blood. He went through every move he made on the red haired boy but didn't remember doing anything that could make him bleed.
- Oi Misaki.
He said nervously and approached to him quickly. He kneed and slowly pulled Misaki's sleeves up, his eyes widened in horror. Misaki's arms where fully covered in lines, pictures and at the top of everything there was a new, very deep wound wich was a word written on his wrist. Saru. Also, it was mainly the source of all the blood that was now making a small pool around the boy.
- M-misaki? Oi Misaki please open your eyes...!
The boy slowly did as he was told and looked at Fushimi weakly.
- H-hurry up and k-kill me already..
After that Misaki coughed with blood accidentally making the pack of pills fall out from his pocket. Fushimi picked it up with shaking hands and read what it was. As he did, his eyes filled with tears.
- Oh no..... Misaki please don't let me you...

The red haired boy stood silent. His sight started to blur and he barely could hear anything.
- I.... I-I'm sorry S-saru... Goodbye...

Don't leave me (Depressed! Misaki x Fushimi)Where stories live. Discover now