Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Kandee's POV

I reached for yet another doughnut from the box Matt had set on the night stand.

"Gez how many do you need?" Sky asked as I stuffed the last of doughnut number four into my mouth.

"Hey, you can never have to many doughnuts." I countered. I wiped most of the crumbs of my lap and reached for my chocolate milk. I always had chocolate milk with breakfast. Mainly because it was super yummy. But also because I hate orange juice. Don't ask me why I just do.

Sky cringed and covered his ears as I slurped the milk noisily through my straw. I laughed as.he shuddered in disgust. Sucks to be him. "Must you do that!?" Sky cried.

"Why whatever could you mean?" I asked trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Of course you don't." Sky said clearly annoyed.

Matt laughed causing me to jump. I had completely forgotten he was sitting there. He stood up from the chair in the corner and stretched. His muscular chest and abs clear through his white shirt. He looked exausted. Almost like he had been up all night.

"Dude you look like crap." Sky stated as though we didn't already know.

Honestly I thought he looked hot. Maybe even kinda of edible, just yummy..  Definitely gorgeous.

"What?" I asked as they stared at me.

"If he's hot then what am I?" Sky asked looking like a lost puppy, his lip quivering like he was about to burst into tears.

" I said that out loud!?" I asked exasperatedly, man, I guess I really took that whole speak your mind thing at school a little too seriously, because lately I just can't keep my thoughts to myself.

"Yep" Matt said while laughing, he looked so much younger when he laughed. His eyes glittered with joy and his cocky smirk was replaced with a genuine smile.

Even though he hadn't had the best childhood I stilled envied him. But only I knew about his past. Matt's so called 'father' beat him until he was ten. That was the year his mom filed for divorce. Matt will never forgive his dad and I can understand why. I am the only person - besides his mom- that knows about the pain he still feels. I had been his only friend. The only person he could turn to when he needed me.

For the longest time I thought he let me fall. But truth be told he is also the only thing that gave me the strength to go on. I just never knew it. I had been -

"Earth to Kandee!" Sky called while waving his hand i front of my face. He can be so annoying sometimes.

I blinked and shook my head. "Sorry I kinda spaced out." I explained rather sheepishly.

"Yeah you took a trip to Kandee -Land." Matt joked with an adorable smile playing upon his soft lips.

"I did not. I was thinking." I responded grumpily.

"Sure you were" Sky said. Fine you want the truth. Wait till they hear this.

"Fine you got me Sky. The truth is I was fantasizing about you. My fingers twisted in your silky black hair. How you moaned as your lips moved in sync with mine. About your muscular chest pressed against mine. How it felt as yu touched my skin....mmmm" I murmured in as sultry of a voice as I could muster.

Their jaws dropped. Pain flicked across Matt's face. Odd I thought. 

Sky sat there like an idiot before replying. " Um... Uh... Well.. "

"Gotcha!" I cried before I crumpled in a fit of laughter. The monitors went haywire as I struggled to catch my breath. Doctors and nurses swarmed in. I was still gasping for breath. Everything around me disappeared only to be replaced with blackness.

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