Chapter 56

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So I was sad to see that the Against All Odds Face book page only has 5

Sigh..... I was up all night working on it and even though it has been available for almost two weeks, it only has 5 likes. I fell asleep in algebra because of that... Just wish I knew why it is so unpopular.... Do you want me to post a link to the page?? I will if you want me to.

So....... I deleted The Pin Cushion Girl. I felt that it was far from being complete. Completely redoing it would take weeks, and I just don't have the time. I wish I did but I just don't. As it is, I am running on about four hours of sleep a night because the couch is so gosh darn uncomfortable. Yes I sleep on a couch. Don't ask why, it is a long and complicated story. A story that I wish I could stop repeating.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, you give some one the strength to get up every morning? I have. I have wondered just how many people from school would actually cry if I were to disappear. How many of them would really care? How many of them even know my name? How many of them would try to find me? Would any of them laugh? Would some of them be happy that I was gone? Would I make an impact?

I wish I could know the answer to those questions. But I don't.

So I get up every morning. And I get dressed and do my make up. I try to hide my flaws, to perfect my laugh, and add some color to my pale colorless cheeks. I try to pretend that I am this bubbly outgoing person who doesn’t have a care in the world. Yet it is fake, all of it. I wake up every morning with dark bags below my tired eyes. I have to dress to impress in fear of going unnoticed. I have to hide my pale waxy complexion with layers of make up to make me look full of life. I laugh and joke, being loud and bright, when truly I am very shy. I act like nothing can bring me down when truly I am falling apart and tumbling to the ground. My stress is overwhelming as I wait for the doctors to call. But if you didn't really know me, you would think I was just swell.

Sure I smile and I laugh because I am happy. But never once will you see me cry because of pain, fear, or due to a broken dream. I have been raised to view tears as a weakness and never a strength.

But I am busting down my wall and changing my ways. I will be myself and I won't care what they say. Yes I will still be the dork I normally am but I will let my shy side shine through as well. I will still hide my flaws but I will also recognize my natural beauty. I won't be afraid to cry anymore. I will be the change that I desperately need.

So I will stand tall and face my fears. I will be strong and fight my own battles. I will accept everyone for who they are. I will stand tall and refuse to let anyone knock me down.

Now as always, here is a brand new chapter of Against All Odds.

Chapter 56

Kandee's POV

“Wait. What? Your parents, the ones that left you to fend for yourself, are here?!” I exclaimed.

Who do they think they are? Sure they are his parents. But honestly they are more like strangers. They left him all on his own. Yet they have the nerve to waltz right back into the picture. Well it is to late they left and they are not coming back.

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