Chapter 30

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So sorry I haven't been uploading! Life has gotten a little hectic. Still getting used to high school. I mean seriously is it necessary to cram 400+ students into a hallway and expect us to get to class in 3 minutes. I mean work with us people we need at least two minutes to socialize and another two to rush to class....I mean would one extra minute kill you. Sigh. Well the homecoming football game and parade are tomorrow. And tomorrow is also our pep assembly. Not sure if I am all that excited because my stupid walking boot prevents me from playing any of the games. Saturday is the homecoming dance! I am so Excited!!!!

Do you ever meet those people you just want to slap? I did today. When someone says, 'so you're (some ones name)'s woman.' it tends to tick you off. Right? I mean seriously I have a name! Grr..... But he will soon find out that you don't mess with a stressed out teenage girl....(smiles mischievously) Yeah there is a reason people don't mess with me.

I am normal a cheerful person but if you get on my dark side I suggest you run. Just watch where you are going cause it would suck if you ran into a wall. Walls tend to hurt......

So now for something far more awesome then the little bio above.....


Slowly I became more aware and less drowsy. I opened my eyes slowly. All they found was a room vacant of any other people. Daylight sifted through a crack in the curtains. Disappointment flooded my body, where was my angel? Where was my my mom? Slowly I realized that they were probably still sleeping due to how late they stayed up last night. That makes sense I guess.

Then I heard a soft knock on the door. A few seconds later the door slid open. I smiled widely as Kandee walked in quietly. My angel in disguise.

Chapter 30

{A/N This is picking up with her and Matt leaving the hospital room.}

Kandee's POV

I closed the door gently even though I knew the sound would not wake Skylar. I sighed defeated as we walk down the long hallway to the waiting room. I could hear each of our footsteps echo through the still air. Matt was silent as we walked. Cautiously I reached over and took his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand softly. I spoke for the first time after leaving the room.

“Thank you.” I whispered holding his hand tighter.

I was thankful that he had brought me. As much as it hurt to see Sky like this, it also helped to know he was alive. I don't know what I would have done if Matt hadn't showed up. I would have done nothing most likely. I would have sat there as I was paralyzed by fear. I would have stayed there until someone found me. I may seem to be strong but on my own I am much more fragile. My world is cracked and chipped and if I can fix it it will fall apart completely.

Matt turned his head toward me and I stopped and stood there. His eyes were dark green several shades darker then their normal emerald color. He looked stressed, exhausted, and scared. He looked to be almost ten years older with dark bags under his eyes. I felt guilty that I had caused him so much stress. He deserved some one better than me some one who could make him happy.

We reached the waiting room and everyone rushed toward us. I stiffened and waited for the questions to begin. When they didn't I opened my eyes to see all of them waiting for me to speak.

“He was awake for a little while but they gave him so medicine that made him really sleepy. He was talking and stuff but he was in a lot of pain. I will warn you it is bad. He is very hurt.” I said sadly.

With that said we all agreed to meet here tomorrow morning to see him. After saying good bye Matt and I walk back to his truck. He unlocked the doors and helped me into the passenger seat before walking to his side and getting in. He shut his door roughly and started the truck. He was silent as we drove back home. It was scaring me, he didn't laugh or smile or even hold my hand. He was never this quiet unless he was really upset. Normally it was when he got extremely mad that he would go silent. But I don't get what he has to be mad about.

We pulled into his driveway but neither of us made any attempt to get out. I didn't want to be alone. Not now, not after seeing Sky like that. I reached out and took his hands in mine as a tear floated down my cheek. He stiffened at my touch and I flinched. He was mad at me. At least he seemed mad at me.

'I don't want to be alone Matt. I have spent to many years of my life alone to be alone anymore. Not now at least. I can't keep doing this. Beginning to trust people only to have them taken away from me. I need some one to hold onto Matt. I need to know that I have some one that will never leave me.” I whispered as my heart broke. I hated myself for what I was about to say.

He turned toward me and my heart crumbled. But I need to say it. He can't keep loving me when I can only offer him pain.

I took a deep, shaky breath before I continued.

“I can't trust that you won't leave me, Matt. I can't keep pretending that you will always love me. The sooner I end this the less it will hurt. I can't love you Matt. I don't think I could take it if five years from now we were still together and you decided to leave. I have to cut you off of my life before I fall in love. I am so sorry but I can't be with you. You need some one who can give you the love that you deserve. I am not that person.”

Pain was clear in his dark eyes. I reached for the door handle and pushed the door open. I slid out of his truck and closed the door carefully. I walked to my door slowly and for the first time in my life I felt what it was like to have my heart ripped out. But I refused to cry. This was just some phase we would never have lasted. This was what was best for the both of us. I was done trying to mend my heart with temporary love. I was done with love in general. I you don't have it you can't lose it. So I decided that I would never love again. I would face the world alone and I would survive against all odds.


This Is NOT The End Of The Story!

I know It sounds a little misleading but there are tons of chapters left!

I may upload a sequel though AFTER I finish this story,

I doubt that this story will be finished any time soon.....

Sorry for those who want it to end.

Thank you to everyone who has read this story you are my hero's!!!!!!

Please comment on what you like or think I could improve,

A huge thank you to all of my fans!

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