So, I’m dedicating this chapter to my best friend, Zhaneyah. She actually loves this story, and wants me to continue writing it. She legit told me to start writing this chapter after she read chap 5. But I couldn't. I'm writing it now so this one's for you Neyah!
Putting my hands on my hips, I looked at Blu. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, THIS," he said indicating to my room.
"Um, well THIS-" I said emphasizing on 'this' and turned around to glance at my room again, “is my bedroom. Obviously."
"Yeah, b-but what's with all the butterflies? Do you have some weird obsession with them? It's pretty odd if you ask me."
What is his problem? Hasn't he ever saw a girl’s room before? Obviously not. But he looks super nervous just standing there. I wonder what his problem is. No you don't. It's not your problem, it's his. But still ... Whoa. Echoooo. Echoooo Heeheee. Hahahaaa. There's a voice in my head talking to me. Hi voice inside of my head. Hello. Oh shit. It talked to me. Of course I talked to you. What did you expect? Hold up, wait a minute let me put some spices in it. Hahahaha. I'm totally gangster. I just rhymed like a G. Oh shut up. What? I said shut up. You think you're a gangster because you can rhyme? Voice, don't get beat up. And no, I KNOW I'm a gangster. But what the fudge. I didn't ask for your input loser. I'm a part of you so you do realize you're calling yourself a loser too. Duhh. I then heard someone clear their throat. Oh crap, I totally forgot he was standing there. How could you. He's totally hot. Just look at him. You know what voice inside of my head; shut the hell up.
Turning back to Blu, I rolled my eyes and stated, "Dude. I'm a girl. What do you expect? We all have some weird obsession. In my case, it's butterflies. Did you know there are a buncha different colors and types? Well, there are actually 60,021 different types of butterflies in the world. All of different colors," I responded watching Blu.
To my amazement his jaw drop for the second time. This time he tried to close his mouth and make a comeback but he failed miserably. Laughing to myself, I brushed past him and went to the kitchen and picked up my bat. Grabbing a chocolate chip granola bar from the pantry and a blue Gatorade from the fridge I walked outside to his car. Leaning against his car, I munched on my granola while I waited for him. Soon enough, he came out and unlocked the doors.
"About time," I snorted as I hopped in.
When we reached the softball field where tryouts were being held, I hopped out and ran to the locker room to get changed. I pulled on my pink sliders and red shorts. Then I put on my pink tank top and cleated. Yanking my hair into a sloppy low ponytail, I pulled my glove and batting gloves out from my bag and went out to join the other girls that were trying out. I got there just as the coach was announcing that we would be doing batting, base running and sliding. Good thing I brought my sliders.
"The girls on the field that you see right now, are all veterans. They will be an example of how you will play when you are on defense," Coach V told us. Her actual name was Vazquez, but since it was such a mouthful, she insisted we call her Coach V.
As I watched the other girls before me swing and miss the ball, I silently laughed in my head. Before I knew it, it was my turn. Dropping my glove, I pulled on my batting gloves, the helmet the coach gave me, and started walking towards the plate. That's when I realized I forgot my bat in Blu's car.
"Um, can I borrow someone's bat? I forgot mines in my friend's car."
"You can borr-" someone started to say, but was rudely interrupted by a voice.
"I was wondering when you would notice you didn't have it. Here." Looking to my left, I saw Blu holding my bat smirking. Shaking my head, I grabbed it and stepped up to the plate. Standing in my batting formation, I waited for the pitcher to pitch.
"I bet you guys this one is going to be just like the rest of them. Pathetic," the pitcher laughed.
"Why don't you just shut your pie hole and throw the ball like a nice little thing," I retorted.
That obviously got the pitcher's attention because she immediately shut up and glared at me. "Why you little bitch. No one talks to me like that and gets away with it," she snarled.
"Save it for someone who cares," I said back.
"You really shouldn't have said that." that came from the catcher sitting behind the home base.
If looks could kill, I would surely be dead right now. The looks this girl was giving me were designed to kill. That's when she threw the first ball.
As I watched the next ball come towards me, I swung and hit the ball all the way to the outfield. I was out after that. I ran all the way around the bases doing banana peels as I went. I knew no one would catch the ball and I would make it all the way home. Boy was I wrong. As I ran around third base, I started home. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my knee and went down hard. Clutching my knee, I held it against myself and closed my eyes tight in pain. When I opened it up, the first thing I saw was bright red. My knee was cut open. The second thing I saw was the pitcher snickering and smirking. At that instant, I knew it was her fault and I was going to come after her the minute I got up.
mwahaaaahaaa . *laughs maniacally* I think i'm going to start doing cliffhangers. not a lot but some. the next chap, definitely will be a cliffhanger, but it will totally be worth it.

Hidden Secrets of Highschool (On Hold)
Mystery / ThrillerAshleey is new to school and happens to run into the schools mystery boy. He has a secret that he hasn't told anyone until she came along. The question is, will she keep it, or will she let the whole school know? Dun dun dunnnn. (sorry if it's not...