Moving along, we reached a door at the very end of the hall. Looking behind me at Blu, I raised my eyebrows at him. He gave me a look which I interpreted as go ahead. Opening the door, I walked in and looked around. It looked like a typical boy's room. Messy bed, clothes strewn around. There was a bathroom to my left wide opened. I saw towels thrown on a hamper and a big window on the wall.
"Uh, yeah. This is my room," Blu said.
"I gathered that," I replied.
Walking further in, I looked at his messy bed and wondered if it was as soft as it looked. Running towards it, I jumped up and landed on his bed with an 'oof' and immediately sank in. Closing my eyes, I breathed in deeply. It smelled of something sweet and boyish. The next thing I knew, I felt something warm on my neck. My eyes flew open immediately and I punched out, connecting with something soft yet hard.
"Damn woman, what are you doing?" came a voice.
Springing up, I glared at the voice. It was Blu. Of course, I should have guessed. But wait, did he just kiss my neck? Oh my gosh. I think he did. VOICE!! Yes Ashleey. What do you want? Did you feel that? Blu kissed me. Well not on my lips, but the neck still counts right? Triple sigh. Yes. But I don't know about him. I find him pretty weird. P.S. I'm also your subconscious. What the hell. I thought you were just something chilling in the back of my head.
Once again I was interrupted but a cough. Looking up I gave Blu a nasty look and said, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Running his hands through his head and sighing, Blu responded, "Well I was trying to wake you up. You didn't have to go all Jet Lee on me. Gosh, that punch hurts."
"Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?" I asked jokingly.
"Yeah sure," he said his eyes lighting up and pointing to his now bruising cheek.
Patting the spot next to me, Blu sat down. I inched closer and turned to kiss his cheek. At the last second Blu moved his head and our lips connected. Immediately I felt sparks. That’s when it happened. The door knob turned and the door flew open. Standing in the doorway was something so scary I nearly pooped on myself. It had HUGE multi-colored butterfly wings with a human body. Antenna feelers grew out from its head. I gasped, and then shrieked. The thing looked at me with its black beady eyes. It opened its mouth and out came the longest tongue I had ever seen.
My fighting instincts kicked in, and I jumped up from the bed and did a round house kick connecting to the thing's chest. It staggered backwards then stood up straight and tried to grab me. Jumping backwards I yelled at Blu.
But Blu just stood up and walked over to it putting his arm around its shoulder.
"Ash, I'd like you to meet my brother."
"WHAT THE FUDGE!!" I yelled out as my eyes bulged out of my head and I ran towards the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and put my body against it. Looking at the window, I thought I should use it to escape. Opening the window I saw a fire escape ladder and jumped to it. How convenient. My knees connected to it and I grimaced in pain. Ignoring it, I climbed down and ran all the way to my house. Fumbling with my keys, I finally unlocked the door and ran in. Locking it behind me, I ran up to my room and slammed the door.
OH MY FLIPPING GOSH. I did not just see that. What the hell is going on? Oh my gosh and he said it's his brother. Who the freak has something like that as a sibling? Who the hell IS Blu?
All these thoughts rushed through my head as I paced my room. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I glanced at the screen and it read 'INCOMING CALL FROM BLU" Sliding it to ignore, I threw my phone to my bed and my body followed it. I stared hyperventilating then started crying. I eventually cried myself to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at my phone. 96 missed calls, and they were all from Blu. Turning the phone off, I sighed and ran through what happened yesterday. It seemed impossible to happen. How could you have something like that as a family member? Yet alone know it and allow it in your house. I drifted asleep and dreamt of the thing chasing me in an endless circle.
The next morning I woke up with major bags and my knees ached. I glanced in the mirror and saw that my hair was no better. Hopping in the shower, I took the shortest shower and got dressed. I put on a dark blue fitted top with loose baggy sweats. Tying my hair up, I looked at myself. I was so going to school today whether the nurse said I couldn't or not; I had business to handle with a certain pitcher. Wrapping my knees, I threw some antiseptic cream and band aids in my bag, I walked out the door and jogged to school. So far, I hadn't seen Blu or the pitcher. It was now 5th period and I had learned that the girl's name was Patricia and she supposedly "ran" the school. I had scoffed when I heard that. Walking down the hallway, I noticed her standing by a locker and was talking to her friends. I turned towards my locker and quickly opened it. I pushed my bag in and slammed it shut.
She glanced at me and smirked. She looked at her friends and started talking and pointing at me. Marching up to her, I grabbed her by the shoulder and made her face me.
"What is your problem Patricia?" I questioned her.
"Oh nothing you little whore."
"Excuse me? Did you just call me a whore? Hold the eff up. You really don't want to get slapped right now," I snarled balling my fists up at my side.
"And whose gonna slap me? And last time I checked, Blu was mine. Not yours. You suddenly show up, and he's following you like some lost puppy. Let me tell you this once and only once you little prick. Stay the hell away from Blu you whore or we will have some serious problems. I will ruin you,"Patricia responded.
A crowd had started to gather around us as we argued. Some even had out a camera in hopes of catching a fight.
"Did she really just call me a whore again and threaten me?" I asked no one in particular. Then without warning, I lunged forward and punched Patriciawith all I had.

Hidden Secrets of Highschool (On Hold)
Mystery / ThrillerAshleey is new to school and happens to run into the schools mystery boy. He has a secret that he hasn't told anyone until she came along. The question is, will she keep it, or will she let the whole school know? Dun dun dunnnn. (sorry if it's not...