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I landed in a forest with Stardust curled around my shoulders. I used my bracelet to requip into my usual clothes. I changed into a cape plus my hair was back to black. I decided to put my gifts from my family into the bag, the bag from Acnologia into the bracelet. I had red eyes and black hair curled below my waist. My outfit is now a dress to the middle of my thighs, made out of steel. It had a collar around my neck, but no sleeves a belt of steel. The ruffles are gray but longer in the back. I wore boots that had a metal at the top and ended in high heels.

Iwalked out of the forest and into the town that had Uncle J's guild. I could finally see them once again. Acnologia had told me they were a god and a goddess but were banned from the God's realm. They snuck in a mortal, I could finally give them back their immortality and could back. Uncle J and Min probably miss me and I missed them, I couldn't wait to see them. I skipped into town, humming a tone which only I could hear. Then I noticed two boy heading towrd me with the crowd parting to let them through. I watch with interest as they walked toward me and the blonde one seemed to expect me to move.

The blonde one had blue eyes and spiky blonde hair with a scar above his right eye. He felt like light and didn't have any evil intentions. The one on his left had black hair that covered his right eye and red eyes. He felt like shadows and didn't have evil lurking in his soul. "Aren't you gonna move for the Mighty Sting" Sting smirked as his partner stood there with no emotion. I didn't move or say anything. Sting moved like he was attacking me "Roar of the White Dragon" he yelled looking like he lost his patience. His partner just stood watching I stood still as the beam came towards me.

I raise my hand and dispelled it without uttering a word. I walked towards him and kicked him into a wall. His partner just moved to the side letting me walk past. I sensed that Stardust wasn't behind me. I rushed to her and noticed the blonde and the black hair followed me. I saw Stardust being held by two exceeds. One was orange and wearing a vest, while the other was wearing a frog suit. "Let her go!" I threatened the two boys were startled because they didn't think I was a girl. "Why should we?" the orange exceed answer, thinking I wouldn't do anything to them. I nodded to Stardust.

"Arms" Stardust called as a bright blue bubbles formed around both of her paw, and blew the to exceed off. She kept it weak so they wouldn't get hurt "How did you do that?" Sting screeched as he moved toward the orange exceed. The other boy just moved to the other exceed and carried it in his arms before speaking. "Let's go, Sting" he said in a quiet and serious manner, before walking off. "Wait up, Rogue" Sting called giving me the other boy's name before carrying his exceed and running towards his partner. 

I just held my arms out and Stardust jumps into them, before we set out for the guild. I wander around for a while, not wanting to ask anyone. We finally reach the guild and Stardust fell asleep in my arms.

~Next scence is in Rogue pov~ (she is still 11 the same day she came to Earthland after being crowned Princess of all Races)

Sting and I had arrived at the guild after getting our exceeds. Sting didn't want to leave the girl he wanted to fight her and win, and after she lost she would tell us how our Exceed could learn magic. But I had forced him away because he would cause a ruckus, and Master would get mad at us. I told Master about the girl beating Sting, and he had gotten mad at us for losing to someone. Master was now shouting at us, while Minerva watched on with an evil aura. "Why did you lose to a girl? Are you guys really this weak?" he lecturing voice wenton, Minerva watched ready to attack us. 

Everyone in the guild was watching and 45 minutes had passed before we heard someone kick open the door. I immediately smelled the scent different animals the sky and I realized it was the girl who beat Sting up with her exceed along. I sensed Sting tense up, ready to attack if she did anything. Everyone in the guild turned to face her, and her voice suddenly rang through the room. "Stop lecturing them, Uncle J. I could hear your voice a mile away. It's really not their fault, they won't ever be able to beat me" her voice twinkled and sounded like she was laughing. 

Everyone in the guild flinched ready to jump away from Master Jiemma's anger, but instead he just let out a booming laugh. "I didn't know it was you Lucy. They would never have a chance against you. It's nice having you visit" he announced, as I watched everyone's expression turn to shock. I was shocked but kept my emotionless face. "Lucy!!!" Minerva yelled as she dragged out each letter and jumped from the stage and ran to Lucy "Min!!!" she yelled back hugging Minerva and everyone's jaw dropped. Seeing Minerva had let someone hug her and how Minerva hugged someone. 

She walked up to Master Jiemma and bowed before jumping up and wrapping him in a embrace. I turned to see Sting and saw his soul was already leaving his body and I had to stifle a laugh. They they went to his office.

~In the office~ 

In the office, the three people were having a staring contest before Lucy finally gave up and yelled "Fine, fine. I give up. I missed you two" Minerva and Master Jiemma laughed and Minerva pulled Lucy's cloak down. They noticed the exceed that poked it's head out of Lucy's arms. "Who's this cute darling?" Minerva exclaimed actually showing emotion and hugging the exceed. They didn't met her before because when she came to visit last time Stardust stayed home sick. "Her name is Stardust and she can use sky dragon and sky god slayer magic. Stardust the girl holding you is Min and the big guy is Uncle Jiemma" Lucy introduced 

"Now let's get down to business" Master Jiemma said in a serious tone "Why are you here Lucy?" Mierva asked "I'm here because I'm Princess of all Races and you guys get your god and goddess status again. Both of you are allowed back to realm, but you can stay and run the guild if you want" Lucy explained and gave Min a bracelet with the main charm being the moon, and Jiemma a ring with snake curled around the earth. "We'll stay and run this guild" Master Jiemma decided and put his ring on while Minerva put on her bracelet. 

The second both had on their individual accessories a bright light emitted from the both of them. When it cleared their accessories had disappeared but had tattoos on them. Around Jiemma pinky there was a snake that acted like it was a ring and the ring on top of it. Minerva tatto was on her wrist and it different phases of the moon. "Finally, we get our power back" Minerva exclaimed as she stared at her tattoo with reverence. 


"Attention" his voice boomed in every corner of the guild and everyone was silenced at once. "These are two new members of the guild. This is my niece Lucy Apocalypse. She is Princess of all Races plus chaos dragon slaying magic. Also if any of you dare to touch a hair on her head, Minerva and I will skin you alive" Master Jiemma threatented. Lucy stepped forward toke her cloak and let fall to the ground. The male population all gasped on how pretty she looked but was returned to normal with Jiemma's threat. 

"Her exceed is Stardust. Stardust uses sky dragon and sky god slayer magic. She better not be hurt as well"As everyone took in the look of a tiny exceed that could rare magic. Lucy walked down with Minerva towards the blonde and black hair boy. "Lucy, this Sting and the other is Rogue" Minerva introduced pointing to each one in turn "I'm sorry about early, but I don't like rude people" Lucy apologized and offered her hand Sting toke it. Shaking enthusiastically and blushed, Rogue also shook her hand but kept his face blank

"I'm Rufus and this big guy here is Orga" Rufua chourused as he took Lucy's offered hand and kissed it "Your beauty will be kept in my memory" He flirted with her, Minerva smacked his head "Yo" Orga greeted as he face contorted and seemed like he was thinking "I just remembered my question. Who taught you chaos dragon slayer magic?" Orga questioned "Acnologia" Lucy revealed watching as Rufus, Sting, Rogue and Orga flinch back at the sound of the Dragon king "You mean the Dragon king" Sting questioned as he gotover his shock "Yeah" she replied Then she met Yukino who is a celestial mage but she only has silver keys some are rare and powerful

Lucy, Acnologia daughterWhere stories live. Discover now