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Everyone is now wide-eyed, jaw-dropped, arms hanging at their sides

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Everyone is now wide-eyed, jaw-dropped, arms hanging at their sides. Staring at not one but two Dragons. They were having a hard time processing that Lucy; the sweet, cheerful, positive, beautiful Celestial Mage became a beautiful Dragon.

His eyes widened as he stared at the Dragon before him "H... H-How is this possible?" he asked, not believeing his eyes

Lucy had tears in her eyes (yes, even in her Dragon form) "D-Daddy... it's me, Lucy" her voice stuttered with sadness and joy

Ancologia pov

I can't believe this, I finally get to see her again. After leaving for that mission. I can't believe it's really her. I heard she was in a terrible home, but now she is here with this guild. She is more beautiful then ever, she is so grown up. And it seems her powers are back, plus her memory. I'm so glad, this is the happiest day

Nobody pov

"Lucy... my little Lucy" his voice trembled "Is it really? After all these years. I finally get to see you again"

Now the Guild was shocked that Lucy called the Dragon know as 'Acnologia the Dragon King' "DADDY"

Lucy transformed back into her human form. There she stood with a big smile and tears running down her face, "I finally get to see you again, Dad"

Acnologia transformed himself into a human. He ran towards Lucy, hugging her tight. Hugging her as if never wanting to let her go or lose her again. He let his tears drop his face and land on top of Lucy's head, "I missed you, my beautiful Princess. My daughter Lucy"

Lucy hugged him back tight, "I missed you too, Dad! Where have you been all these years. And why did you leave and come here?" Lucy asked, even though she had many more questions

Acnologia pulled back a bit and smiled "I will explain everything, Princess. But first, shouldn't you let out your friends" he said, looking back at the Guild who was wide-eyed, jaw-dropped at the scene that they just witnessed

Lucy giggled, with a wave of her hand the barried disappeared. Releasing everyone and rushing to her side. Pushing her dad away from her and standing inbetween as if to protect her. Including the evil glares and their magic ready to fire if he did anything. Lucy yelled, "Stop it!" she pushed through the crowd to stand in front of her dad

"Don't worry guys. He won't harm any of you" Lucy said, serious tone and a glare that sent shivers down your spine

They wanted to object and tell her it was a lie. Especially since they know he is the Dragon King. Master stopped them before any of them could complain and told them to stand down. Master looked at Lucy and asked in a serious tone, "Lucy, child. Can you please explain to us. What is going on?"

"Lucy giggled with a smile, "Sure. I can explain that Acnologia is my dad... but I would like to spend sometime with him first"

Master was about to speak but was interrupted by Acnologia, "Lucy, sweety. I think it's best you give them an explanation first. They have the right to know... Don't worry you and I have plenty of time to caught up"

Lucy, Acnologia daughterWhere stories live. Discover now