Strange Awakening

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Chapter One

There's a lot I have to tell and at the same time there isn't much left. People, hope, sanity even my thoughts have left me. I'm not sure why this happened to us but it's best I explained from the beginning for others who make it to this point can have a better chance than us!

There's nothing like a full bladder to wake you from a deep sleep. Too much beer with the fellas I guess, now if I can just separate myself from this bed and turn on the lights that will wake me up enough to get going. If only I had a clapper, that would make things easier. Well my room seems to be in good shape, considering how much ale I had just a few hours before. Looks like I spoke too soon because my slippers are nowhere to be found...well I guess my boots will do. The room doesn't seem to be that cold, maybe because I still have all my clothes on. Now to that bathroom. "Wait ....... what's this ?"

I quickly turn looking back at my bedroom's just that...

my bedroom! Every stick of furniture, all the clothes, my guitar, everything was right where I left them! I go back in, close the door and open it half expecting to be in my hall way, instead it's not. "Whoa boy, I must be crazy drunk there's no way my house looks like this "considering how much I make". Oh well might as well make the best of ...

"Hey who are you ?"

I turned not really sure what to expect but there's someone inside my house! Well not my house but I slept here so I think I have the authority "drunk thinking really makes no sense"

"I asked who are you and why the hell did you bring me here?"

I turn to find this skinny short kid with glasses, and a high pitched voice . Was he really talking to me like that ?

" Really kid why don't you pick on someone your own size ."

Out of the corner of my eye I notice another door open and now that my eyes have properly adjusted, I'm able to make out seven doors in what looks like a traverse hall in the shape of a horse shoe. I can see clearly across to the other side. Every door opening slowly and images at first dark, then in better focus people as my eyes fully adjust.

"Did you really bring us here?" I hear from a woman ask somewhere behind me.

" Come on lady why would I bring that skinny kid with the glasses anywhere ? This is a dream and I'm drunk. If I don't get the bathroom asap, I'm going to wake up in a wet bed so if you'll excuse me..." Before my foot could touch the ground, I remembered that I already woke up, the bladder made sure of that.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but who actually lives here? I mean dose anyone else's room look exactly like the one in your house?" shouted a man from across the hall.

I paused for a minute to think about what was just said. This is not good. I was hoping I was drunk from the excess beer I had hours earlier but after that statement, along with my personal experience, I started to become a little worried. The voice of this other man across the hall is making too much sense I know this isn't my house but that's my room for sure. "Is this some kind of joke " asked the lady behind me. I turned and look at her and she had this look on her face as she stared at the guy across the hall who just spoke. She was in a daze as if what he said applied to her too! Meanwhile everyone else looked at each other waiting for more verification. However, I wasn't about to give them that, it's simply not possible. So I said "Sure this looks like my room."

Everyone else didn't have to say a thing, the expression on their faces said it all. We all have a place we call home and this isn't it, even stranger how are our rooms in this place?! It's as though someone removed our rooms like a Lego and placed it here.

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