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We ran out of the radio room as fast as we could. The equipment only picked up messages like it was meant to spy . It wouldn't let us reply , so we had to get to them as quickly as possible. Who knows what happened to the rest of their group , or what's happening to them now . At the moment we just needed to find them . All I could think about was what they must have been through and how long they have been here. Both those things could be considered gold in a place like this . Information and experience . When we arrived at the safe room everyone looked shocked and scared . It was obvious we were in a hurry so it was understandable they thought there was some kind of danger.

"What happened is something out there ? " asked Jeff

We couldn't even speak a word ,we were so out of breath and not only that the radiation was taking a toll on us too . After the space of about three minutes James spoke up.

"We have to leave now !"

" What exactly happened out there are we in danger ? " asked Liz

" There are people out there who are still alive! Three of them . We don't have time to waste . They are either dying off or being killed as we speak! " I replied

" Other people are out there alive?! How could you possibly know that ?"

Asked Taco

" Let's get ready to move out we'll explain that on the way "

It didn't take long for us to get moving . Everything was still packed and plus we had some motivation . James gave everyone the radio room talk and told them about the relic of stones we found . They geared up and got on the same page quickly when they heard about the transmission . Me on the other hand I was trying to figure out where we would go to look for these people . I mean its not like we can see and we don't have a map. I already knew this wouldn't be easy, but it needs to be done!

James suggested we leave out the back door . It made a lot of sense being that the bridge was the only thing behind us with no other roads that we knew of. Also we didn't run into anyone on the way here so we knew they were further out . This would also give us a chance at fresh ground to explore and away from this place. Problem is when we make progress danger is always walking hand in hand with it , and this danger isn't the kind anyone is use to .

We reached the back door And we could hear the rain beating against the building . We unlocked the back door only to be knocked back by the pressure of the storm. Rain came first then Fog poured into the building and there was nothing but darkness behind that . Janet took out the flash light we had from the room raid and gave one to me, one to Taco in the middle and one to Sterling at the end . I also took out my bat then we all looked down at our ropes ,gave them a tug and moved out . The suits protected us from the rain but also killed the visibility even more. I had to look straight down to prevent the rain from hitting the shield on my face . With that I could see a little bit better .We reached some small steps in front of us . One after another they lead us in a straight line from the building . The flash lights barely made the steps visible but I could feel the concrete with the bat . The rain beat against our bodies and the wind really picked up . After we were a good ways from the building the storm started to pick up ! It was so strong I collapsed to my knees and hands losing my flash light and bat in the water . I had to grab deep into the earth with my hands in order to keep moving . The rain was just beginning to flood this area so we needed to move fast . The ground was nothing but mud so it slowed us down. The rain and wind would suddenly changed directions making it hard to maneuver . Thunder struck the ground ahead making a big flash of light . I started to feel like this was a super bad idea and that we might not make it out of this one .

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