Pressing On

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As the day light peered through the cockpit windows everyone started to wake up. I made sure everyone was fully awake, and after I informed them about the journal. I reread the entire thing to them and we couldn't help but feel a sudden wave of defeat over take us. Harden criminals with nothing but time to work out and load up on testosterone hid them self's from whatever the fog had to offer. Then highly trained military personal with advanced top secret technology couldn't weather the fog. Now we, seven normal everyday people here in this place. Nothing special, and definitely not trained to handle anything of this caliber. Not to mention the unknown parts of this area. Everything seem to just progressively get worse. We didn't even have a clue of where we were. The thought of going back to the house crept into my mind. A warm bed, showers, shelter, and food. That compared to being out in this fog that apparently cause people to go insane and kill each other doesn't sound too bad.

"Officer Hamilton wrote that journal and Thomas was the first body we found. Someone had to kill them both, everyone else pretty much died before them besides those who put the fire out. That means someone or people might still be out wondering around. They could be watching us right now!" Said Liz

"She has a point "said Taco

"When the soldiers arrived the only other people they found where the inmates and they're dead! I believe for whatever reason who ever brought us here makes sure everyone's dead before they bring more ." replied Sterling

"Either way we still have to move with caution. According to that journal the fog itself is dangerous in certain areas. Also this could very well be an experiment of the government. Who else would have control over an area like this and it's not like they haven't experimented on soldiers in the past." said James with a certain seriousness in his voice.

"It's still unclear who they are. I mean the type of technology needed to move the things they did doesn't exist. Even more so I highly doubt the government could be responsible, besides they wouldn't run the risk of losing or leaving top secret technology around like this. It cost too much. "I replied

"Also we need to learn from the crew and not make the same mistakes they did." said Janet

We all looked at her waiting for an explanation.

"No weapons! The crew died because someone turned on them from within the group and he had weapons that made killing quick and easy. Think about it if we don't have any weapons it's not likely someone from within could kill someone before we stopped them." She said

"Unless we are all sleep" interjected Taco

"The risk is not as great though" said Jeff

"So no weapons from here on out?" asked Liz

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement but no one including myself liked what was spoken. No one liked the idea of going out without weapons. When we found them it brought a sudden feeling of hope to the group and survival.

"One thing very important we will have to look for is a map of this area! Knowing where the danger is will be crucial when searching for answers and a way out of this place. We just have to search the dead bodies for the maps. "I said trying to restore a sense of hope to the group.

No one wanted anything to do with a dead body and now this! New information concerning the potential danger of the fog made us think twice about going anywhere. I mean if we went back out there how we would even know if we could trust each other! Not being alone in a place like this was a plus in the beginning. Safety in numbers I remember thinking to myself. Now that increases the danger and brings it much closer. The people who shared the same struggle as you could very well be the one to end your life! Also Hamilton described the map in a way that worries me. If we are in a valley of some sort and there's only three paths out of here then that means there's really only one place left for us to go. The first two paths didn't play so nice with the soldiers. The prisoners hid them self's from something and I believe it was the result of path three. The odds kept stacking themselves against us, but we have to keep going. Home is the goal and this isn't it.

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