◆ PeOplE aNd ThinGs ◆

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It's ME!!! Bwahahaha! >:DDD

So happy to share my thoughts with you again guys. BTW, I sooo love this edit. I can't tell why! Lol. Anyway, if you're glad to do so. Please check out my "The Honeymoon Tour" book. I just updated a nariana one shot.

Pm me too. I'm on my crazy mood! Spread the love x

"People were created to be loved, Things were created to be used. The only reason why the world is in chaos, Is because things are being loved and people are being used."

I will throw into the wide open road and watch her/him got hit by a car multiple times whoever would not agree to this! Swear! Lmao. Sooo friends, folks and fellow readers, THIS IS just the main reason why there was bullying, harassing, torturing, lying, degrading, killing and any words with bad intentions or unprohibited by the Holy Book.

Then what are the possible things to love nowadays? Money, properties, fame, self-enjoyment and many more.

I don't get it.


Why are they flipping the importance of a person to a thing?

Things are temporary and people are permanent. Things can be broken, be replaced and be gone. People are human. We should love them the way we wanted to be treated as human. Not to do bad intentions for them.

I don't get some countries why they're fighting over an island yet we live the same world, Malicious men where raping the innocent women just for their pleasure and Bullying a classmate to show them that you're cool.?


Sorry but I think the world is going upside down now. We should be prepared. Get your armors now! ☛✃ ➳ ✌Kiddin' Lmao.

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