◆ Requested Icon ◆

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Hi nightowl_princess your one week delayed Icon is here. Lmao. Sorry I was just busy in school, had no time for wattpad this whole month and as I said earlier i'll be representing our college's pageant of  Ms. INTRAMURALS ..can you believe it? Bc i can't lmao.  I mean yes, i could be brainy but i'm no beauty and body.

So anyway, here's your manip. An icon representing your username blah blah, Related to the moon or galaxy with a girl.

You can choose one icon or have it both. Haha thank you for trusting me to do this stuff i'm actually new at this. But i both love how it turns like!

Big credits to: Destiny Blue for the digital painting of the girl on the 1st icon.

Big credits to: Destiny Blue for the digital painting of the girl on the 1st icon

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Here's the reference pics (ps. Tag me if you're gonna use this)--------->

 Tag me if you're gonna use this)--------->

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~comment /pm /message me for more requests!
Byeeeeee ♡

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