Part 1

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I wake up all sweaty in the middle of the night. I just had a terrible nightmare. I think it was something with my old schoolteacher, Ms. Coldfield . She was my first teacher and gave me the creeps. I couldn't do anything interesting at school for fear she might see me. This was probably the reason for my punctiliousness at school. Old Ms. Coldfield, as cold as she was towards us students, had given me a spotless education by the time she left. I think she went to live somewhere in Ireland. She never gave us her address though. I think she wanted to make sure that even though we despised her, she wouldn't get lumbered with a group of 14-year-olds or with anyone. I sometimes wonder how she's doing and think that one day, I'd like to pay her a visit. Not that I will,anyway. It's just one of these "I should refresh the house" things one never does, but keeps repeating to themselfes.
Anyway, I decide that quater past four in the morning isn't that close to the middle of the night, but is rather the best time to talk everything over again. I get up from my double bed and go over to the kitchen. I've been living here for more than three years now. It's not my first apartment, but it is, however, the first where I felt like I did in the first couple of days. As if I was being rejected by the place. I remember calling Jade for help on my first night here. I asked her if she could come over or if I could sleep at hers. At the time she had a serious boyfriend and had just moved in with him. More exactly, he had just moved into her flat just to get kicked out in the most embarrasing way a few weeks later. However, Jade has always been a great friend, so she'd gotten out of bed,and to the boyfriends dissapointment, swiched from her sexy nightgown to casual clothes so she could come over(of wich I only came to know later). It was a night entirely wasted in watching junk comedies and commenting on the bad casts. The day after we went around the 4 rooms, pretending we were ghosthunters looking after who-or whatsoever had scared me the night before. After that, I no longer felt uncomfortable at my new home.
Between my bedroom and the small kitchen, there's a narrow corridor where my shoes(two pairs),my coat and my sacks and bags are. In the end which leads to the kitchen, there is various cooking stuff placed in
cubic holes in the walls which are meant to make up for the lack of enough cupboards in the kitchen itself. From it, the fourth "room" can be entered(the bathrooms door is somewhere back there in the corridor). And the speechmarks surrounding the word "room" in the previous sentence should've shown some irony. Just in case you didn't get it. For the description in advertisements usually says "closet" or "larder" instead of "a small additional room". I won't do the mistake to choose a flat only via websites again. However, I soon realised that I didn't need a big room and also that I'd kind of recieved the closet for free, si I was on the winning side. I sit on one of the two cheap white chairs and put my hands on the small table . Tapping alongside every word, I repeated for the hundreth time:
-I check if I'd forgotten anything
-I call Jade to give her the rest of the food and the consumatives
-After which I deliver the plates and the furniture I own to my parents' house
-I have lunch with the guys
-Dad drives me to the airport (IMPORTANT:We shouldn't arive later than three o'clock)
-I check in for the flight(with dad on my side to make sure nothing's been forgotten)
-The airplane arrives between half past three and four o'clock
-IMPORTANT: I get on the right airplane(for which purpose I have a paperband with the flights number on my hand)
Well, I really hope I won't get to mess things up.

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