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I just finished with the chairs, and I think they were the last thing. I have hanged a list with the furniture on the fridge. I'm going to check it for sure. Five sets of dishes,knifes and forks plus three spoons(I believe I ended up giving the one as a present to a drunk friend. Makes me think about my condition at that moment). Two sets of bedsheets and two chairs. The clothes I would take with me when I leave. Allright...Now I just need to check on Jade.
She's on her way. Last 10 minutes in the apartment. Oh well. I've spent quite some time in here and I did enjoy it. However, I imagine won't be missing it much. After all, each change is for good, isn't it true? I enter the bedroom and look at that window. It was one of the most pointed out features of the apartment when I bough it. "A window orientated to the east side, a great opportuniry " Sure enough. It was a great laugh to find out what the " panorame " was. A brick wall. So unfortunate that they'd forgotten to write it in the advertisement. It isn't that bad. It has turned into a great topic over the years. An endless source for jokes as well. Do you know what Andry got for Christmas? Not a great view. And if you haven't fallen on all fours for laughter already, try guessing what my look on life is? Well...I'm on the wrong side of the wall. Get it? Most probably no. Inside jokes are never as funny as they seem when you're speaking with their inventors. Luckily, the room has a perfectly satisfying pair of windows on it's oposite wall, from where I am able to enjoy the colourful river of cars passing by every day. There isn't a lot of traffic today, and I'm able to distinguish Jade's car while it is just turning around the corner to park in the dead-end street next to the building. Time to go! I pick the sack with the clothes and look around for one final time(I've forgotten the jar I drank tea from. Now I'll have to carry it around until I get to mum's ). While I am locking the door behind me, I see Jade . "What took you so long?"she asked. The poor thing. One may think she's been waiting here all along. I present her with a big smile. "Your food is in the boot. You'd better hurry before someone breaks the back window and makes it off with your years nutritions". She laughs happily. Then her face changes slowly. "Are you sure you want to do it,Aunts"(Andry rhymes with aunts, don't you think? It's a nickname for my closest friends to use). I roll my eyes. We've gone over it for so many times. Besides,I already dropped out of college last week(I still can't believe I took the decision, and from the look they get every time someone brings up the topic, my friends can't either).
"After all,it's never too late to go back, I am sure your parents could figure something out..."she continues. "Heitcut it. I've already decided it and you know that. Besides, it is what I really want."
We move the food in her booth and repeat our arrangement for lunchtime,then I get into my car and drive off to my parents' house. They live in the suburbans, in a beautiful white two storey house, which apart from everything else(which is a big garden and nice victorian furniture) is pretty expensive. My mothers reaction to me dropping out of college wasn't anything special. My father has always been keen on me, which he expressed by respecting my decisions without arguing. All he would usually do was tell me his motives and then persist on hearing mine.
I was at the beginning of my second year in college,studying economics when I understood it was not for me and I needed to do something about it. It took me exactly three months twenty-seven days and a couple of hours to choose my new direction in life. Mum let me do it. I imagine she thought I would end up having some education in economics to start over with. The decision wouldn't concern her, as she knew I would ensure my own finances as well as I could and all in all, take care of myself. My final decision is the following- I'm moving to Hampshire(of which you already know and(the big news is coming) I've signed up for biologist and cartoonist in the same time. My logic I cannot recall in detail, but it was mainly about me being ready to start life from two different places if needed.

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