On the Run

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I don't own this idea :) 

Faster. That's all I could think of. I couldn't stop or they would catch me. I maneuvered through the neighborhood. Neighborhood? How long have I been running? I kept turning into random places until I knew they weren't near me. I started walking normally to not attract attention. Hide. I had to go somewhere where they won't expect me to be. I know, a house. They wouldn't dare search in a house, that's the dumbest place to hide AND they probably think no one would take in a stranger.

As calmly as I could, I walked to the front door of one the houses. I quickly thought of something to say so they can let me stay with them for a while before I knocked. If all fails, tell the truth.

Knock Knock

I didn't hear anything for a while which made me believe no one was home. After a bit, I finally heard steps and they kept getting closer until the person opened the door. Male. Hot male. At least he might have some video games to play with if I get bored.

"Yes?" Scratchy voice. Probably just woke up.

"Uh, I was just wondering if you can uh..." Shoot, I forgot. Good going Aleks.

"If I can what?" Oh no, he's getting impatient. "Never mind. Good convo, maybe next time we'll fini-" "NO, WAIT. Err I mean please wait. I just need a place to hide for a bit."

He's going to ask.

"I am NOT holding a convict in my house, good luck bud."

"No, no, listen. I'm not a convict. I haven't done anything bad, there are bad people that want to do things to me and I need some where to hide."

"Nice try buddy, see ya round"

I didn't want it to turn to this god damn it. I put my hand on the door before he could close it and pushed till I could get face to face with him. I felt myself blushing since we were so close.

"People are after me because I am genetically modified. I've been running for God knows how long and I am tired of running now please let me hide here for a while."

He looked stunned at my sudden harshness. He stepped back and I entered his house without hesitation trying to calm my blush.

"Oh yea, I forgot. My name is Aleks with a 'ks.' Yours?"

"James. Uhm, can you take off your shoes?" He's also blushing.

"Sure. Now where's the couch so I can explain in better detail without being so hard on you."

He led me deeper into the house. It was really big and had a lot of cables everywhere. Once we got to the couch, I told him about me and who the people that are chasing me are. After a while he finally understood what I was explaining.

"Well you can stay here for a while I guess, I don't really mind. I got a spare room for you just don't kill me while I sleep."

"Thanks, I was hoping to not sleep on a couch and no promises."

We both let out a chuckle. His chuckle was so heartwarming.

~Time Skip Ooo~

I've been here for two months now and not once has he asked me to leave. I had nowhere else to go so I never said anything. In the past months, we've bonded so much and he's told me all about his job. He asks me sometimes to be in his videos and we have so much fun playing whatever game he chooses. After a bit of hiding, I changed my appearance so they won't know it's me. While all of this occurred, I've developed a dumb crush on him which has got me worried. I was hoping to just make a new friend but he makes me feel something I haven't felt since I was a kid. It's a good feeling though and I really like it. It's gotten to a point with this dumb crush that I can't even look him in the eyes for more than 5 seconds without blushing. So I decided to confront him about this crush. Who knows maybe he'll still let me stay here even after I tell him.

I stayed up all night trying to figure out how to tell him and the best I came up with is "hey James, I really like you." Very romantic. I know.

After a bit, I texted him saying to meet me in the living room. Yes, I texted him. I know we're basically right across the hall but it's a better way of communicating, especially right now.

I waited a minute after I heard his door open. I started walking to the living room with a slight shake in my hands.

"Hey Aleks, why'd you want to meet me here?" He sounds so worried. It's precious.

"Yea, I have something to tell you. Can you sit down? And please don't hate me for what I'm going to tell you, I still want to be friends with you after since you are really a great person." Shoot. I rambled. Now he's going to be even more worried. Curse my nervous rambles.

"What did you do? What happened? Come on tell, you can tell me anything you know that."

"OK. OK. Okay....I just really wanted to tell you since I can't take it anymore and it's just grown over these two months and I just wanted to tell you that I really like you in a like-like you type of way but I understand if you don't feel the same and please don't hate me. "

I breathed not actually realizing I was holding my breath and closed my eyes for a little longer than necessary. When I opened up my eyes he looked a bit shocked. I rested my head on my hands not ready for the harsh truth of getting kicked out.

"Hey Aleks. Look at me." He said it in such a soft tone it was a bit scary but I looked up.

"I just wanted to say I also really like-like you." He got up and I thought he was going to leave but he walked towards me and hugged me. I was surprised for a while until my brain could process what was happening and hugged him back. When we both looked up, I leaned in a bit scared that I might go too far. But he didn't pull away, he leaned in and our lips met. The kiss was something extraordinary. I felt like I had the world right in front of me and I did. James was my world. He meant everything to me. I was so glad to finally be able to kiss my world.

Yes!! I wrote one. My momma must be so proud.

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