Question #1

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 Question( by R.M. age 15 boy)-

I have a crush on someone and the feelings are so strong. What do I do?

Hey R.M.

I really think you should go for it and tell her because the worse that can happen is she will say no (I know that is not the plan here), but you will always regret it if you don't tell her now. Also, we humans tend to overthink everything. You might have already thought of what she would say and how. Instead of using your brain a lot, be a little spontaneous and try to act confident even if you are shit nervous.

If you're already friends with her, you might be scared and think that you'll ruin the friendship by telling her how you feel. However, you can't go on hanging out with the person when you want more from her. One of the first things you can do is determine if she has similar feelings for you. Pay attention to her body language, especially any changes in the way she acts around you. If you suspect that your friend is crushing on you then you can either wait until she makes a move or be bold and let her know how you feel.I personally feel that if she is your true friend nothing will go wrong and things will not get awkward so don't worry.

If you aren't friends with her, then you should! Start by being friendly toward her by smiling and saying hello whenever you pass each other. Approach your crush when she's alone and start a conversation. Talk about anything that is of common interest. I suggest that you also try to befriend her friends and indirectly show her how you feel before actually say it (girls are smart, she will get the hint).

That's all for now, I hope your question was answered.

Until the next time,


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