Random Advice #1

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I was scrolling through tumblr and saw that there were a lot of upsetting confessions about how teenagers want to be better, change themselves for others and how they wish they looked different. It is normal human tendency to like what others have. We get easily influenced by social media and often want to change ourselves into something we are not. And as cliché  as it sounds, it is true that you should love yourself for who you are.

We are our worst critics. We tend to look at all our flaws and ignore our positives. But the exact opposite happens when we look at others, we tend to look at their positives and don't see the other side. This leads to us believing that we are not as good as all others, which isn't true. Everybody is unique and amazing in their own way. People know different things, have various talents and we cannot compare us unless there is a common basis.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you wish you could change something and achieve a good body? Well guess what there is nothing called a good body. Everybody has different metabolism and genetic build. Your abs, hour-glass figure, biceps and better skin do not define who you are. Deep inside you all know that you are more than what the society defines you as. You are not just labels of jocks, nerds, geeks, cheerleaders, dancers, skaters,etc.

It is time you start looking at you good side. If somebody wants to change the guess what they don't deserve you because you are perfect just the way you are.

I was a fat kid. I didn't lose weight because people told me to, I lost weight because I am a professional dancer and if you dance for 6 hours a day, you would lose weight too. I am not flawless, but I am happy with how I am, and so should you.

That's it for now.

Until next time,


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