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"Yoon Bomi, why're you taking so long? Poor Baekhyun waiting for you in the living room." Kyung said after he enter Bomi room.

"I know, but this boy keeps asking me to listen to his story." Bomi pointed her brother, "Jungjin-ah, I need to do my homework with my friend, for now why don't you tell your story to Kyung, I'll listen the rest of your story later, OK?"

"Ok nuna."

"Why don't you said so earlier." Bomi then going out to do her homework.

"Thanks for helping me keeping her here Jungjin-ah." Kyung said after Bomi left.

"Don't worry hyung, you already finished your business with that man?"

"Yeah, let's go to your room now."

"Baek?" Bomi wave her hand in front of Baekhyun face because he didn't respond to her calling.

"Oh, ah, sorry."

"Sorry for the long wait. Let's go to the guest room, Baek." Baekhyun stand up and followed Bomi to the guest room, "What were you talking about with Kyung?"

"Oh? Nothing much, he just told me about you and him."

"Aahh, he must be talking about that again." Bomi thought Kyung will boast about how lucky she is to have friend like him like he always do to Bomi new friend, "But, I have to admit, I'm lucky to have him." Bomi said it with smile and it makes Baekhyun lost for word again.

Again Baek, you've been shown how much she love him. Just please try to go back to your first intention to be friend with her, not more.

They start to do their homework after reach the guest room and Baekhyun didn't say a word except when it related to their homework.

It feels weird, I don't think he was this quiet earlier, now he just focus on the homework and not talk about anything but the homework. Ay, what's wrong with that, Bom, it's good to focus on the homework so you can finish it fast. Bomi just ignore that and try to focus on the homework, but later she just can't stand with this silent mood.

"Baek, you want to take a break first?"

"Oh, you're tired, Bomi?"

"Not really, but I just wondering maybe you tired and want to take a break,"

"No, I'm fine. I think better to finish it fast, because it's late already."

"Yeah, right." Bomi feel dissapointed when Baekhyun said that and she just back to continue the homework.

Bomi want to grab the marker but Baekhyun aiming the same thing so their hands touch when they tried to grab it. Bomi felt this weird feeling when it happened and she quickly take her hand and said, "Go ahead, Baek."

"Ok, thanks. I just need it for a sec."

Is it just me who feel that? What was that anyway? It's like some electricity goes through my body.

"Bom?" Baekhyun slightly raised his voice so Bomi snap out from her thought.


"Here, the marker. Don't you need to use it?"

"Ah, yes. Thanks." Bomi take the end of the marker so their hand didn't touch again.

Bomi becoming more careful when she want to grab something, she didn't want to touch Baekhyun again and felt that weird feeling again. But not everything goes to the plan, later Baekhyun ask Bomi to give him pieces of paper to attached to the board and Baekhyun touch her hand again when he grab it. Yes, that feeling start again when they touch so Bomi excuse herself so she can go outside for a min.

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