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Lily's POV

I had kind of forgotten where I was by this time, everything around me seemed to slow and become blurred, a feeling I had become so familiar with.

I'm not going to give you some horrific back story as to why I take drugs and love to drink because truth is, there isn't one, we all do stupid shit when we're young and I'm in my prime of doing stupid shit, the feeling is like being transported to somewhere so far away, a place that is so much more peaceful and calm than my real life, for them few hours I'm not me and I'm not suffering, and I think it's okay to feel at peace sometimes. I only did it when I felt like I needed to escape, and ever since him all I've felt like doing is escaping.

All of my friends are wasted, I had lost them a long time ago, the buzz from the pill finally kicking in and I could not stop dancing, however, I hated this club, I hated this environment, a place full of people that didn't give a shit about me, I could feel the burning stares of jealous girls and lustful boys, all waiting for me to do something, something they could talk and laugh about tomorrow, and suddenly I felt extremely uncomfortable. I suddenly felt the urge to find my friends, being alone didn't appeal to me as much anymore.

If wasn't such a pussy and if I wasn't high I would've left by myself but I don't think could find the exit let alone my way home. I was scared of repeating past mistakes, I knew I needed to go home to my own bed but was I concerned if I left now I wouldn't sleep in my own bed. I'd sleep in his, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining being with him is my favourite place to be, but he had a reputation and as much as he tells me I'm special and different to all the other girls, I sure don't feel like it. I had accepted the fact that he was never going to change for me and that he would continue to work his way through girls so you can imagine how much it hurt when his best friend told me he had met someone and that they were "serious". I quote serious because since then I had been with him multiple times, stupid I know, but it's like when I look at him I'm just completely sucked in, I get tunnel vision and he is all I can see. I vowed that would be the last time. My heat broke that night and I promised myself that I wouldn't go back there. And now 3 months later I feel like I'm starting to be okay with that.

So tonight when I received the message I thought I never wanted to see, I felt some what ecstatic. "I miss you, can we talk?" I just stared at it, I wasn't sure what to do with the information. I knew I should go find my friends and then go home, but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

I had an internal battle whilst standing on the dance floor in the middle of a club. Before my brain could catch up, my legs were moving.

I left. Jumped in a cab and gave the driver Harry's address.

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