Chapter 3

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Hey guys so here is chapter 3 hope you like it!

Michelle's POV

*We have now arrived in LA enjoy your stay* the flight attendant woke me up and yay we're in LA OMG this is crazy i can't believe it but I miss New York but oh well sometimes you just have to move on...anyways I stood up and tried to wake up Ashley and Michelle "guys wake up!" i said while shaking them "ughhhhh" they said i was about to say something when our parents came and said they'll meet us outside so I said ok, "guys we're in LA!" I screamed "OMG seriously?!" they both said and stood up got their stuff and went outside seriously? They left me *sigh* so I walked outside and saw them taking pics so I photobombed *laugh* their faces when they saw the pic that i photobombed it was epic lol so now we're on a taxi going to our new houses *skip car ride* so we're here and boiii isn't it beautiful like no joke the houses are mansions I thought we were gonna live in an apartment but I can't wait to see our turns out our houses are next to each other my bestfriends and their parents went in to their houses to check it out so we went in to our house and wow it looks so big from the outside I wonder how the inside looks and in the parking lot there was two cars it's sport cars and it looks really cool there's also a van I guess it's my parent's, so we went in and OMG it's so big I can't believe it, I feel like a princess I went up the stairs and I saw a light turquoise door.....I wonder what's in the- before i can finish my thought my parents said that's your room go in and check it out they got their cameras ready lol parents....I went in and wth it's like the size of my old house in New York it's so big OMG it's turquoise with some hints of black it's so elegant and beautiful queen sized bed on top of the bed it says DANCER it's so cute there was two doors so I opened one and it was the bathroom omg it's my dream bathroom there's a bathtub! it's as big as my old room so i went to go open the other door and damn it's a walk in closet it's so big I'm gonna have to go shopping this is the best there's also a dresser near the door and yasssss there's a full body mirror this is heaven there's also a big kind of closet for shoes. I'm tired I'm gonna go and sleep on my bed it's so soft and comfy I love this otw to dreamland......

Pearl's POV

So hi! I'm it's been a week since we moved here at LA and our houses are all the same size it's a freaking mansion thooooo lol ok so ik that Michelle gave a description of her room and we all had the same style of room but mine is pale pink and Ashley's is black with hints of white and dudeeeeeee we got walk in closets! Owkay and the thing on top of my bed like the writing on the wall it says Professional Fangirl so today we're gonna go to Matt's studio to sign up for classes *idk how they enter classes for him but just go with the flow* our parents are at work so we're taking the taxi we don't have a driver or maid because we don't need it lol *skip taxi ride* so let's go to the outfits Me:Black joggers, white loose crop top that says normal people scares me, adidas super star shoes and DNCR hat. Ashley:grey joggers, black tank top that says black is everything, some black nike and DNCR hat. Michelle:White adidas joggers, black shirt that says dance, black and white nike roshes with DNCR hat *sorry I just love the hat* we just felt like wearing black white and grey today lol so while trying to find Matt's studio we saw a bench so we sat there.....but while sitting down and searchin up the location on my phone i hear music inside the building right behind the bench I looked back and it's glass but something is covering it and they're playing my song so I started dancing not really dance but just move to the beat so I got the location but when I put it on the gps *idk what it;s called* it said I'm already there I got confused so I looked back again and looked up I saw there's a sign it says Matt Steffanina's studio *i don't really know if that's what it says but oh well* then the thing that's covering the glass went up and reavealed.....Kenneth?! WTH OMG! I was so shocked he just smiled at me and turned around to talk to some friends "Pearl what's wrong-" they didn't get to finish because they looked where I was looking and saw Sean, Bailey, Gabe, Josh, etc. "WTF...." Michelle said this is crazy OMG! "Let's go inside to sign up!" I said then we all went inside.

Kenneth's POV *OMG first POV of Kenneth so excited!*

So we just finished the routine of Loving you by Trey Songz my fave song, it was getting kinda darks inside so I opened the blinds and when I opened it I saw a girl she's pretty and she's also wearing the DNCR hat form Matt she looks like she's a dancer but idk that for sure. Anyways she looked shocked so I just smiled at her and went to talk to my friends, we were just talking about random stuff until someone knocked on the door well it's only me and my friends here also Matt and Dana we're just doing some routines and we were the only ones for today because we're cool like that so there can't be anymore students Matt opened it and the girl I saw went in with two more girls they were all wearing the DNCR hat cool so they were talking to Matt and all I was just staring I can't help it until Sean said "Someone's in loveee" while nudging me I just playfully rolled my eyes at him...Matt then came walking towards us while the girls was talking to Dana "Guys while me and Dana goes out to buy something outside entertain the girls ok?" Matt said "Ok" everyone said......Matt came back with the three girl "guys this is pearl, *points to Pearl* this is Ashley, and this is Michelle" Matt introduced them to us Pearl is cute....*lol sorry I couldn't think of anything* "Hi" we all said and smiled then he introduced us to them and blah blah blah....I should talk to Pearl so I came up to her....
K:Hey Pearl right?
P:Uh yea...
K:you don't have to be shy I'm very nice and I don't bite *laughs*
P:*laughs* ok so...
K:how about we get to know each other?
P:sure you go first
K:ok, my name is Kenneth San Jose I dance-
P:ik you dance, sing and act your 13 yrs old your birthday is April 10 2002 your full name is Kenneth Paul San Jose your fave color is blue.....
K: so first off stalker *laughs* how'd you know all that? You forgot one thing though-
P:oh you ride the skateboard also I'm a big fan *laughs*
K:Oooooo so you like me *wighles eyebrows*
P: seriously?
K: it's just a joke chill but do tell me about you
P:basicalky everything you do except act I also play the guitar my birthday is november 25 2002 and my face colors are black, pink, green and blue
K:wow you're like a girl version of me anyways can I get your number so we can hang out sometime?
P:um sure 347*******
K:how about I'll give you a nickname? Uhhh *snaps* oh! How about Teddy bear?
P:*laughs* Teddy bear?
P:owkay I'll call you boo boo bear
K:damn it why didn't I think of that?
P:*laughs* oh its late already we have to go home I gtg byee text me so I can save your number
K:ok cya byee *hugs Pearl*

Hey guys sorry my imagination is currently not working right now I can't think of anything but anyways don't forget to vote and comment

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