Chapter 4

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating I'm busy with school and all that bs but here's chapter 4
Pearl's POV
Yesterday was one of the best day ever! I met Kenneth and we had a conversation and he hugged me! Like OMG OMG OMG and guess what? He asked for my number jdhxiwgsbcgishsbdj like the Kenneth san jose asked for by freaking number! Anyways I wonder how Michelle AMD Ashley are doing but yesterday I noticed that they were talking to Sean and Gabe I didn't get to talk to them because when our parents picked us up I fell asleep in the car and completely forgot to text them speaking of Michelle and Ashley they said that we're going to meet up at the park so I took a shower any while picking out my outfit for the day I put on One Direction songs *directioners where you guys at?* so I picked a summery outfit white lace crop top, pink skater skirt with my white converse curled the tips of my hair and I'm done. I went downstairs AMD saw my mom watching TV with my dad.
"Mom dad I'll just go to the park with Michelle and Ashley" I said "yeah sure be back before dinner" my mom yelled because I was outside already while walking I received a message it's from Kenneth? It says "hey wanna hang out today? -ken" umm like as much as I wanna hang out I don't want to ditch my best friends "Sorry I have plans today with Michele Ashley maybe next time?" I replied "umm year sure its fine have fun" he texted oh well when I got to the park I saw Michelle and Ashley sitting on the bench so I went there "Hey guyssss so what's the plan for today?" I asked them "Hi! Um gabe texted me saying if we wNt to come with them they're going to Six Flags" Michele said "I'm yes sure let me just call my parents" *calling mom* "Hey honey what's up?" my mom said "uh mom change of plans one of our friends from dance class asked if we want to come to Six Flags with them and I was wondering if I can go?" I asked nervously "yes sure just be home no later than 10 OK?" my mom said "yesssssss OMG thxxxxx byeee ly" I said then hang up "My mom said yes but I have to be home no later than 10" I said "yay! OK so I just texted Sean he said we should meet them at Starbucks come on let's go" Ashley said "Ok" Michelle and I said when we got there I saw Bailey and Kenneth kind of like being sweet to each other and all the bs but why do I feel like I'm hurt am I jealous?
Kenneth's POV
Well I asked Pearl if she wants to hang out with us but she declined and said she has plans oh well do today we're going to Six Flags "Guys why don't we invite Michelle, Ashley and Michelle?" Gabe said "Great idea I'll text Ashley" Sean said "hey Kenneth wanna go to Starbucks and buy some drinks?" Bailey asked "yea sure guys wanna come with use to Starbucks?" I asked them "yea I told Ashley to meet us at Starbucks they're coming" Sean said so we're here in Starbucks we all got our own stuff and did our own thing I was sitting next to Bailey waiting for Pearl I saw Bailey stalking Carson's Instagram page *carson is a singer guys or whatever else he does but they're friends* "Ooooo Bailey has a crush on Carson" I whispered in Bailey's ear she was shocked "Shut up!" she said annoyed I just laughed and teased her more I looked up and saw Pearl but something's wrong she looks sad? Hurt? Idk but she wasn't smiling and she smiles a lot "Hi Pearl!" I said smiling "Hi" she replied shortly she got the same thing I got *idk what Kenneth's favorite drink from Starbucks so like yea* she looks so beautiful and very girly may I say because yesterday she was all boyish with the sweatpants and all but she still looks gorgeous "come sit here"i said tapping the chair next to me she sat and started scrolling through her phone smiling I peaked and she's stalking my instagram! "So you like me?" I asked her while smiling she was shocked "no!" she said quickly "*laughs* let's go" I said holding her hand what? I'm trying to give signals to niya that she's taken "ok" she said grabbing her purse we stood up and started walking "Pearl Kenneth!" Sean and the others said "what" we said in unison "can i take a picture of you guys?" Sean said "sure" I said then put my hand on her waist and she went she went closer to me then click "Nice" Tati said then my phone and Pearl's vibrated meaning we have a text message turned out it was the picture and can I just fanboy on how this picture look so cute our first picture we both looked at each other and laughed this is gonna be a long dayy I out it as my wallpaper and we went in the car Six Flags here we come Pearl was doing something in her phone and turned out it's the picture being her wallpaper I feel the chillsssssss lol I looked at my side she was sleeping I took a pig and went to sleep

Heyyyyyy readers how's chapter 4? Tell me what you think by commenting and don't forget to vote! If you guys can do me a favor and read my friends book It's called "little do you know" by Ashley ashhhh1620 and "I hate you I love you" by Michelle Michellexx_29 just go to their works and don't forget to vote and comment if you like their books thanky
Xoxo Pearl

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