Part 4

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“Harry, you will be the death of me.” Harry feels heat rush to his cheeks. Did he really matter that much to Zayn?

“Okay, I won’t do anything this time,” Zayn says, before meeting Harry’s eyes, “But if I see you hurt ever again, I will.” A wide smile appears on Harry’s face, and he leans forward quickly, pecking Zayn’s cheek. He has never felt so confident. Harry pulls away, watching Zayn’s reaction with happy eyes as he sees a smile grow. The boys slowly get up, brushing the grass off their jeans.

“I’ll see you, then,” Zayn says with a smile on his face. Harry wraps his arms around Zayn’s muscular shoulders and buries his face in the crook of his neck.

“Thank you so much, Zayn. You really have made my life worth living.” Harry pulls away and frowns at the tears in Zayn’s eyes.

“Shut up, Haz,” Zayn says, quickly wiping his eyes, “I don’t cry.” Harry’s expression softens and he rubs Zayn’s shoulder before bringing his hand back to his side.

“Bye, Zayn,” Harry murmurs, a bright smile on his face. Zayn and Harry grab their things and step in the direction of their houses.

“Bye, love,” Zayn winks before walking away. Harry’s stomach fills with butterflies and he swallows with difficulty. Zayn doesn’t like you back, he thinks to himself, he’s just flirty. He’s practically your best friend. You can’t have feelings for him...right?

“Spring break is almost here! Just a few more hours,” Zayn says excitedly as Harry follows him to the cafeteria, Teddy at his side.

“I can’t wait,” Harry says quietly, eyeing Tom, who was sitting with a group of guys on the other side of the room. The two boys get their lunch before heading to an empty table.

“Do you have any plans for Spring break?” Harry shakes his head at Zayn’s question.

“I never do,” Harry says, clearing his throat. Zayn gives him an apologetic look and Harry waves it off. Zayn’s face suddenly turns serious and his eyes shape into a glare.

“Tom, stop–” Zayn begins to growl but stops. Harry feels liquid seep into his hair. A hand grabs Harry’s collar and drags him up. Harry lets out a yelp of pain as Tom slams him against the ground. Harry keeps Teddy protected in his arms.

“I warned you before,” Zayn hisses, jumping onto the table and tackling Tom to the ground. Tom quickly escapes Zayn’s grasp and tangles his fingers in Harry’s hair, pulling him up.

“St-stop,” Harry whimpers as Tom wrenches Teddy from his grip. A sharp, glistening pocket knife suddenly appears under Harry’s chin, lightly pressing against the soft skin. Several gasps and a few screams echo through the cafeteria. Students begin to back up against the walls at the sight of the deadly tool. Teachers bring their hands forward in a calming gesture but stay where they are in case of any rash decision Tom might make. Harry tries to swallow but lets out another whimper when he feels the weapon cut into his skin.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you,” Tom snaps. Harry moves his eyes and makes eye contact with Zayn, who’s eyes darken with a protective, angry glint. Harry feels himself begin to tremble and a sob erupts from his throat. Tears slowly spill from his eyes. Harry has never felt more afraid, even with his parents. With one swipe, his life would be over. He would never be able to tell Zayn how he truly felt. He would never be able to grow up, get married, have a life like he wanted.

“Z-Zay–” Harry stutters quietly but is cut off.

“Shut up!” Tom shouts in his ear, pressing the blade closer, drawing a long line of blood. Tom slowly takes the blade away from Harry’s neck, and replaces it with his arm, putting Harry in a choke hold. Tom puts the blade against Teddy’s neck, causing Harry to flow into hysterics.

“N-No! Leave him alone! Pl-please! H-he’s very important to me! I-I’ll do anything! I swear–” Harry stops, choking back a sob. Tom chuckles, darkly. He slowly slices the teddy bear open, a few clumps of stuffing falling out. Tears immediately flow faster from Harry’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Teddy,” he whimpers, watching as Tom drops his friend.

“Leave him alone,” Zayn growls, “Tom, this isn’t like you. Where did my friend go?”

“This fag destroyed our friendship!” Tom yells, putting the knife back against Harry’s neck.

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