Chapter 2: The Note

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Angelina's POV

"Daniel?" I was sitting on the grass, in the shadow of a tree. I ran my fingers trough my hair and gasped. I was exhausted, because I ran away really fast.

"Angel?" My breath stopped for a second when I heard his voice. He still calls me Angel, which breaks my heart a little.

"Why are you calling me?" I tried to keep my voice as normal as possible.

"I.. I think we should talk.."

"Talk? Go talk to that slut of yours." I said. I know it sounds immature, but he needs to understand that he can't mess up and then go back to me like it's a fucking game.

"I told you that I'm sorry."

"Does it seem like I fucking care? Does it?" I started to shout trough the phone. "It will take more than a stupid 'I'm sorry' to make it up."

"But-" I didn't let him finish his sentence and I hung up.

I felt a warm tear running down my face. I didn't deserve any of this. Why can't I be happy? Why did he lie to me? It's like our 2 year during relationship was one big lie. He cheated on me with Alexis. The worst thing is that we all work in the same building, and I didn't even notice before... I caught them making out yesterday, on Daniel's desk. I wanted to bring him some coffee, but as soon as I opened the door and saw them on the desk, I dropped the coffee on the ground. I still can't believe he prefers that whore instead of me.

After a while I realized I just met Bruno Mars, and I didn't even took a phote or something. And I was acting stupid. Ew, he must have been disgusted by my attitude. I just ran away after he freaking serenaded me! But the way he sang Nothin' On You, though.. That smile.. Damn, he's beautiful. I wish I could meet him again. I decided to not tell anyone about the meeting with Bruno, because I wanted to avoid rumors and jealous people. I sighed as I stood up and wiped my tears off of my face.

Bruno's POV

"Hey Bruno! Where were you at bro?" said Phil when I entered the pub. I sat down at his table at the window. "I'm sorry I'm so late, I couldn't find this place."

"You sure? You still look quite confused"

"Well, I met this chick, Angelina.." before I could finish my sentence, Phil interrupted me.

"Ooooh, a girl? Tell me everything. Is she hot?"

"Yeah, stunning."

"Did she recognize you?"

"I think so, because she looked quite surprised after I took off my sunglasses.. and.."

"And what?" The way Phil interrupts me after almost every sentence annoys me.

"I sang to her."

"Damn man. You got her number?"

I looked trough the window and watched a teenage couple on a bench, to avoid eyecontact with Phil. "Nope."

"You're such an idiot, Bruno."

"I wanted to ask her, but she ran away after I serenade her."

Phil started laughing really hard. "She ran away? That can't be good, Bru."

I faced him again. "Fuck you Phil."

"Excuse me, do you want to order something?" The waitress was suddenly standing next to our table.

A few hours later, 6PM

I was laying on my bed, staring at the yellow ceiling of my hotel suite. Angelina didn't leave my mind. She had something special. I mean, c'mon, how often does a celebrity meet a girl that doesn't care about his stardom that much? I wish I could talk to her again, and stare in her sparkeling green eyes, what would make her cute cheeks blush.

I heard someone knocking on my door. I jumped out of my bed at quickly opened the door. It was Ryan.

"What's up, Ryan?"

"You coming with us tonight?" he asked.

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Some clubs, I guess. 10pm."

"Okay." I answered, a little sad. I really didn't feel like partying that night.

"What's wrong dude?"

"Nothing." I said. Ryan looked at me like only Ryan can look, with that 'I-know-there-is-something-wrong'-face. After a while he left and entered the room next to mine, his suite.

I looked at the alarmclock on the cupboard next to my bed. 7pm. Am I seriously going to lay in my bed, stare at the ceiling, thinking about a girl, til 10pm? I sighed as I stood up. Something fell out of my pocket. The little piece of paper.

Angelina's POV

Ugh, this drawing sucks. I crumpled up the paper and tried to throw it in the wastebin under my desk. It ended up on the wooden ground of my bedroom. I throw my pen away out of frustration. I love to draw, but I hate it when it fails. After the drama in the park, I went home to calm down a little bit. I lived in an appartment, on my own. It's not very big, but it's enough for me.

So, I tried to draw Bruno Mars for hours, but it just didn't work out. I always draw what's going on in my mind, in hopes it will leave mind and end up on the paper... but I guess Bruno is just stuck in my head. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes for a few seconds. Maybe I should take a nap.

"Beautiful girls, all over the world

I could be chasing..."

I woke up after a few hours. The interrupting of my nap was caused by my ring tone. I moan as I look at the display of my Samsung. The phone number does not look familiar to me. I decide to pick up.

"Hi, this is Angelina Hill." I said, yawning. It was silent for a few seconds. "Hello?" I tried again. Just when I wanted to hang up, I heard a recognizable voice in my ear.

"Hey sleepyhead."

"... Bruno? How.. how did you get my number?"

I hear his adorable giggle trough the phone. It kinda gives me butterflies.

"You left me a note."

I started to think. A note?

"What?" I asked, not realizing the piece of paper with my phone number on it - in case I forget it (yeah, I forget my phone number sometimes) - was missing in my purse.

"It doesn't matter. I'm glad I can hear your voice again," Bruno says.

Fortunately he can't see me, because I'm blushing really hard.

"So uhm.. you wanna go out tonight?" he says.

"Are you serious?" I asked, hesitant. He's so famous, he doesn't even deserve me.

"Duh! C'mon, you don't wanna party with the hooligans?"

I laugh. He's so cute, even though I can't see him. He makes me feel more comfortable. "Well... Let's take it slow. What about a dinner first?" I suggest.

"Sure thing. Pick you up at 8."

I smile. "See ya."

After I hung up, I screamed a little. I didn't even care about Daniel anymore. I'm going on a date with Bruno, Bruno Mars.

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