It's for Gerard

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Chapter Text

Frank's POV

Zack wasted no time with leading me to the bedroom. Unlike the rest of his house, it was fairly clean. 


He threw me down on the bed and quickly straddled me, grinding down like it was the only thing keeping him alive. I faked a moan, not turned on at all from his forwardness. Gerard usually took his time, making gentle and caring touches but then fucked me into the bed. It was amazing really, it led to unbelievable orgasms. 

"Finally decided to leave that old guy, huh?" Zack said, still grinding down. Old guy? Gerard was two years older than me. Just because he wasn't a 19-year-old whore doesn't make him old. 

"Yeah." I lied, silently cursing every god for making me do this. 

"Too slow for you? You needed someone faster to fuck you, like me?" He moaned out, grinding down especially hard. I yelped a little at the contact, but eventually nodded. It killed me inside, doing this, knowing Gerard was out there. I knew this was so I could get him back, but I loved him. I cheated on him once and it hurt both of us, I didn't want to go through the torment of knowing what I had done again. 

"Do you need prepping?" Zack asked while taking mine and his clothes off. I shook my head. I just wanted to get this over with, even if there was a little pain. 

Reaching over me to get to the drawer, he grabs lube and coats his dick in it. He doesn't even alert me before he pushes in. It hurts like a motherfucker, but I knew I deserved it. 

"God Frank, you're always so fucking tight." Zack moans. I'm shaking a little from the pain, but I had to suck it up. I caused this. This is my fault. I deserved this. 

"Oh Zack." I fake moan. He starts to thrust, not even making a pattern, just erratically thrusting. "You're so big, feels so good. SO much better than Gerard." 

Of course it's a lie, it didn't feel good at all. And he was much, MUCH smaller than Gerard. Gerard's dick was at least 12 inches long and thick, while Zack's was only 5 inches and pencil-thin. 

I could almost laugh at it if I wasn't in so much pain. 

The awful, speedy thrusting continues for about 10 more minutes. After a while it starts to feel good, especially when he hits my spot. But nothing could ever compare to Gerard.

"Oh...oh I'm so close." Zack states. Wow, that didn't last long. He grabs ahold of my dick and quickly starts to jerk me off.

"Oh god." I moan as I come, not feeling nearly as good as when Gerard and I have sex. 

"SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK!" Zack screams before he comes, collapsing on top of me. He lays there for a second, catching his breath, but eventually moves off me to grab a pair of boxers.

"Was it good for you?" He asks when he lays back down. I mentally roll my eyes, what a cliché. 

"Amazing." I lie through me teeth. 

"True that." He responds. God, if you're up there, strike me down right now. Smite me all-might smiter!

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?" 

He smiles, "nah, go ahead. But hurry back, I'm wanting round two." He smacks my ass when I get out of the bed. I wince a little at the touch. 

When I get into the bathroom and lock the door, I examine myself. My ass is bleeding a little, and there are bruise marks on my hips. I was hoping for no markings, but that's what I get I guess. 

I was making my way out of the bedroom when I saw it.

A camera. 

Gerard's POV

I was in tears. 

When I stumbled into the hallway, I saw that the room across from me was the control room. The door was left open, practically beckoning 

me to come and take a look at all the monitors. I had, and when I did it shocked me. The monitors showed such things as my house, an old town, a room with a grotesque looking monster and an old lady, an old hospital, and even a guy's house. The guy's house caught my attention, so I watched that one. 

I watched as he went around tidying things up, watching TV, and finally: fucking Frank. 

I watched in complete horror and sadness and Frank walked in, telling that guy that he was done with me and wanted him. 

I watched as the guy led Frank to the bedroom and fucked him raw, leaving Frank moaning. He even told him that he was bigger than me.

Did Frank not love me anymore? Of course not, who am I kidding. He just had sex with this guy - Zack, I think - and told him he didn't want me anymore. That broke me. 

Now, I lay on the cold tile floor, wanting to shrivel up and die. I was sobbing like mad, flooding the room with my painful tears. Eventually that man came back, crouching down beside me. He didn't look mad at all, in fact, he looked sad.

"I told you he's no good for you. Look what he's done." He said, cupping my face in his hands. "Who could hurt such a pretty face?"

I smiled a little and leaned into the touch. 

"You can stay here, ya know. You can stay here, with me, forever and ever. He won't be able to hurt you again." He explains.

"What's your name?" 

"You can call me Synyster Gates." He smirks. "Will you stay?"

I hesitate. Could I stay with him? I know Frank hurt me, but I still love him. I will always love him. 

"I don't know, I still love-" 

I'm cut off by a harsh smack to the face. 

"Don't you DARE say you are still in love with him! He's hurt you! Look what he's done!" Gates screams.

"But I do, I don't know why, I just-"

Another slap is delivered. 

"You're un-fucking-belivable." He mutters before dragging me back to my old room. He (thankfully) leaves me clothed as he restrains me again. "Don't fucking move. I'll be back."

Then he leaves, slamming the door on his way out.

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