Chapter 2

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We were still working, Jessica and I. We were preparing the clothes on the racks for the cat walk, it's a real struggle to go through with it. Jessica and I just started talking about how when we were kids.

We would do the stupidest things ever, I remember on the last day of school, Jessica, I, and the rest of our friends decided to just go crazy and make water balloons in the bathroom, enough that would fit in 2 book bags.

We would sneak outside the school and go to the playground and just start hitting each other with the balloons. Then we would just stay outside for the rest of the day just playing soccer in the field the school owned.

Or that time when this girl at school would talk smack about us, when, in all honesty, we didn't do anything. When it finally got under our skin we just decided to play a few games with her.

So we made this little machine so that when she opened her locker, flour would cover her face and when that happened, Jessica decided to crack some eggs by her feet, which caused her to slip head first.

And after that, I decided to spray her with this thing that makes her smell like fish. She shut her trap after that. Well, I guess no one really messed with us after that.

"Darius, You there?" That's when I realize Jessica was snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"W-What?" I asked I don't know why she stopped me.

"It's Time to go, we're done for today." That's when I look at my watch and see we were done for the day.

"Well, I think I gotta go, Jess, I really want to take a nice nap", Doing this is very stressful gotta tell you. We bid our goodbyes and I make my way over to my truck, dragging my feet in the process. I get in my truck, turn on the engine, and drive my way towards home, well my home.

Takes me about 45 Minutes to get there. Normally, I'm thinking about moving closer to where I work but, I mean, that cost's money and sometimes, I'm just too lazy.

I get home, to my apartment, I live on the 3rd floor so, I take the elevator to get there. I get home and just leave my stuff by the door as usual, and my Rottweiler, Royal, comes to greet me. I got him a few months ago when he was a puppy, well he kinda still is, but he did grow.

I go to my room and open my drawers in search of my pajama pants and a tank top. Stripping myself of my clothes, instead of taking a shower, I'm taking a bath. Taking baths are so freaking relaxing. Thinking deep in thought, I start remembering about Prince Edwin.

How the hell did I meet up with him?

Washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner, and washing, I start to head out of the bath tub and start putting on my over garments. Right when I put on the rest of my clothes, I hear Royal barking like crazy. I run over and he's right by the door. I grab him by his collar and start to back him away from the door so I could look through the peep hole.

That's when I see some freak trying to unlock my door with some weird looking type of shit. But before I even have a chance to open the door and see who the hell it is, it opens and smacks me right in my face.

I mean, my fucking nose hurt like hell but, when I was in America, My Dad used to take me to go boxing with Desmin, so luckily I knew self-defense. When I Looked up, he had closed the door and was standing in front of me, trying to pin me down. He was wearing a black hoodie with a bandanna over his mouth and nose. Concealing his identity.

Well, the first thing I did was knock that motherfucker on his nose, making him lose his focus, he then made this angry look while holding his bleeding nose, since the blood was seeping through his bandanna. That's when I ran towards him, tackling him, making him hit the little table I have by the door, knocking it over, along with all my other stuff that I had on it.

I straddled his waist and started throwing repeating punches toward his face since he focused too much on his crunched nose. It was practically self-defense. After he stopped struggling, I noticed I knocked him out cold.

So I went to reach to see who the mystery man was. Making sure I pinned his arms under my legs, I went for the bandanna, and when I took it off, I Instantly recognized who it was.

It was the Frickin Flower boy. The Flower Boy, Like what the hell was he doing in my home?

I got up, making sure Royal stood next to him, I went to go get the tape that I had in a cabinet. I started tapping his legs and hands together.

I want to be safe.

I dialed the Police's number and stated that there was an intruder in my home, a break in more exact. It's a shame, I always went to go get flowers over there, and he was so sweet, what a shame he Had to be the one that broke in my house. Literally, I'm Disappointed.

The Cops showed up about 15 Minutes later, taking him away and asking me questions like if I knew him and such. I told them everything I could about this and that. After that, they left, and then I had to go take Another shower, to wash off the blood that spilled on me, on my knuckles and such.

After that, I happily went to bed, with Royal jumping on it as soon as my head lays on the pillow. Royal then starts to snuggle up to me, He's been doing that since he came.

As soon as that happened, I just happened to reflect on my life. How all this shit happened. How I have a job that I love, My family and how my twin is recovering, how I met a Prince in the morning, which crazily happened. I then fell asleep with that thought.

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