Chapter 5

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Edward and I had entered the ball room, which had chandeliers everywhere. Men and women turned to look our way giving a few greetings to the Prince.

"Well were here.... I should let you get to it. I'll see you later Gremory." Edwin said as we un-linked our arms. I saw him disappear into the crowd and decided to take a seat at one of the empty tables and, taking in the view of some things.

The chandeliers in the ceiling, the center pieces of the table, they were wonderful. The women around me looked beautiful in their own gowns of various colors. Blue, red, green, yellow etc. The men had black, brown, bone color, gray, various different color suits, and tuxedos.

I had gotten tired of sitting around after a while and decided to go get myself a drink over at the bar. On my way there I started thinking about other stuff, to distract myself from the gazes I was getting that were getting under my skin. I keep walking when I...

"Oof" I bump into something. I look up and met my eyes with some stormy gray ones that show confusion, but then realization.

"Watch where you're going." He angrily says, then storms off, barely catching the word "Imbecile" under his breath.

I just watched as his figure retreated into the crowd when I heard someone frantically coming towards me. I looked to see Johnny coming towards me with a look of desperation and sorrow. "I am so sorry, my deepest apologies Darius." He says looking at him frantically. That's when I notice the crowd of girls giggling and coming towards us.

"Umm, I think you might need my help right?" I question, the idea immediately clicking in my mind.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry for the burden, but I need them away from me for a while, do you... Do you want to dance?" He asks me, looking back and forth between me and the ladies.

"Um, there's a problem John," I replied. I have never thought I would be asked to dance, which means I don't know how to dance. "I-I don't know how to dance." That's when he looks at me straight in the face.

"It doesn't matter, I'll teach you, now let's go." He says, taking my hand.

A song just started, so we immediately start dancing. It's hard at first, but then you get the hang of it. I started getting nervous because everyone was looking at me, either glaring or just, staring. Almost all the women had their glaring eyeballs on me, making me feel uncomfortable. I hate getting a lot of attention you see.

"Are you nervous?" he asks me looking down at me briefly. I respond with a nod, he bends down a little bit and kisses my cheek. Which leaves me none less surprised.

"Why did you do that?! Now everyone is bound to look!" I said, yelling at him in a whisper.

And it was true, I looked around and everyone had their gazes on us. I tightened my hold on his shoulder, which makes him look up and make this...look. A look that made everyone look away, as is suddenly realizing his power as a prince.

I suddenly felt grateful, I leaned my forehead onto his chest, and exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I then felt the rumbling of his chest. I look up to see him chuckling, with eyes filled with amusement. "You're funny, like, your funny without even noticing yourself, it's..amusing. " He said, trying to hold in a laugh that wants to slip out.

The song then ended with others bowing to their partners, with me and Johnny doing the same. "That was fun. I'll see you later" Johnny stated, and I see him retreating towards the doors. Since I never got my drink, I start to head towards the bar again, where I am greeted by Nikolai, who turns out to be the bartender.

He had his sleeves rolled up, and had taken off his suit, leaving him in his vest, looking more like a professional bartender. I greet him and ask for water since I don't really drink. We then start talking about random things, here and there, when someone comes up next to me.

It was Edwin. We all three then started talking about random things all together. Nikolai went to go attend someone when Edwin just turned to me and asked me a surprising question that almost made me choke on my water.

"Do you and John have any type of relationship?" He asked, I turned to look at him and started laughing. He had looked like confusion had just punched him in the face.

"No Eddie were just friends, the kiss was nothing, he was just...sudden that's all," I replied. He then looks embarrassed that he asked that question, so he told me to forget about it.

Nikolai came back and said how his shift was over and that he had to go attend his majesty the King. Edwin and I just continued talking, gaining each other's trust and all when he had just received a phone call and excused himself. While I was waiting for him to return, someone had tapped my shoulder. I craned my neck to see someone standing there that totally surprised me.

Standing there was Prince William, with a stoned face just staring. I was going to ask what was wrong but, he just got hold of my wrist and had started dragging me out of the doors. We were down a deep hall when all of a sudden he pushes me into a wall. He takes hold of my wrist, holding one of his hands on my neck, and the other to the side where my wrist was.

"What is it you are trying to do huh." He states, with a deadly tone that I don't even dare to look up. I was too confused and scared that I didn't have the courage to speak up. "Huh?! I'm asking you a question Gremory!". That's when I snap my neck up and look at him dead straight in the eye, showing no signs of emotion while doing so. He looks taken aback but, put on his emotionless face on.

"Your nothing but a commoner. What are you trying to achieve?" He said, looking at me dead on., I don't know why, but, he was so angry, he said it through gritted teeth. That's when I heard footsteps coming over...

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