Scorpio x Cancer

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So this is requested
bluefirephoenix234 and XchocoholicX it goes...

"Alright right kids, I have decided to put you kids in pairs for this project. Taurus and Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius, Aries and Capricorn, Gemini and Aquarius, Pisces and Libra, and, Scorpio and Cancer", Ms.Zodioli smiled-a sarcastic one actually.

"Finally! Ms.Zodioli used her little brain and picked the right groups", Taurus ghasped.

"My heart stopped beating for a second thinking I got paired with some weirdo", Libra laughed. Pisces high fived her and off they went to work.

"Oh my gosh dude we are gonna ace this shit!", Leo smiled to Sag.

"Alright! Ya ready!", Aries smiled at Capricorn.

"Ugh! I hate her for putting me with a freak(LANA DEL RAY) with you! Ugh", Aquarius groaned.

"Well darling, she put us together because she is very aware-just like everyone else-of our scorching hot chemistry. So, quit questioning our chemistry because this is not freaking Clueless!", Gemini winked at Aquarius as Ms.Zodioli passed by.

"As if", Aquarius mumbled.

"Mr.Gemini please do not use flirt with Ms.Aquarius. Plus, you guys are looking very cute togther working", Ms.Zodioli informed in top class british accent making the two lovey dovies blush.

Cancer blushed as Scorpio took out his folders (i dont care that we have chrome books...FOR ME FOLDERS ARE THE BEST) . One by one, Scorpio looked through his papers, stalling in a way. Cancer played with her bracelet sending quick glances towards Scorpio. The shuffling sound of Scorpio's paper and Cancer's mumbles were saving them from talking to eachother.

Cancer Pov
Talk already, so we can start the project! Alright, I get it! I know I am not at all a conversation starter, but I want to talk to him! His eyes were shifting left to right. Eyes brows were raised. He bit his lips and a dimple appeared. Fine I will start this converstation because I am fearless(get it?)

"Scorpio, if you are done shuffling through ur papers, then can we please, ummm, work?", I asked. I hope I wasn't to harsh.

Scorpio Pov
I looked at the clock that went tick tock extremely slow. I want this class to end fast, like now. I am tired of stalling, I want this class to end now. It seems like time has froze, Ms.Zodioli is still reading that book of her's and Cancer is still fiddling around with her bracelet. She looked at me, her eyes into mine. Her deep, dark brown eyes with tints of black had a meaning.

"Yeah, lets start working and umm maybe, we can work after school", I smiled. I don't know why, but I just cannot speak to girls-especially Cancer. My heart beat starts playing a HAUNTED rythem. Sweat trickles down my forhead, and kills the my colone power. The ground starts pulling me towards the ground, like there are quicksands everywhere!

Cancer and I always found ourselves staring at eachother. As played with her charm bracelet, I looked at the clock again. Time is really frozen, isn't it. "RING", thank lord. I took my folder and and ran out shoving anyone who came across me. Now it's lunch, I can Taurus everything that has happened. She can help, can't she?

Cancer Pov
He does not like me, doesn't he? That's why Scorpio was avoiding me. I understand him, after all, I am a shy freak. Who likes shy people anyways. Alright, lets go to lunch and tell Pisces about my disappointing life of being rejected.

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