Stop Running and Chill

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It was a typical Saturday night with humid, summer air. All the zodiacs were sitting on the balcony with rather stern looks. They all were sitting in circle wearing dull and messy clothes. Everyone had deep, dark circles below their eyes looking tired then ever. Even Capricorn's cobalt, blue eyes seemed to loose it's evergreen brightness(Capricorn is Zac Efron) . Half asleep, the Zodiacs seemed to be having a serious discussion.

"I hope you have calmed down Leo. We need to talk to you", Cancer calmly informed the rather stressed out boy whose deep blue eyes longed for sleep.

"Because of you, I can't sleep anymore. I understand that you are stressed with school and social life and all, but Dude!", Viro shouted in pain. Capricorn wrapped his arms around her small frame and stroaked her back.

Awkward looks formed, however the twelve teens continued with their discussion. Leo nervously looked around the balcony to find a path to escape the balcony. Eyebrows were raised at him with more and more questions and Leo's frantic behavior.

"Okay then, Leo can you explain your qualms ans fears", Libra asked emphasizing on each word. Her deep brown eyes were focused on Leo ans his dubious behavior.

"There is nothing wrong with me, can I continued following my earlier pattern of running and studying for my finals in physics", Leo answered with a mixture bitter and boredom in his voice. Everyone around shook their heads.

"Alright, Leo you need a schedule which take two weeks of your life", Saggitarius explained. Gemini and Aries whistled and clapped with great pleasure, they had finally gotten a plan to calm Leo's raging emotion.

"Guys, will you help me?", Leo asked.

"Obviously you are my best friend! I will help you with the sports part", Aries enthusiastically exclaimed.

"I can help you with the studying part", Capricorn smiled. Leo nodded in satisfaction.

"He also needs someone to keep him calm and chill, and that person is-", Libra was cut off by Leo.

"Taurus", Leo completed. Shocked looks hit him, with a few smirks. Now, it was clear that Leo had a crush on Taurus, but she was not mutual.

"Maybe", Taurus answered back. The confusion spread even more.

"Taurus, do you know what he asked?", Capricorn asked with great confusion. She shrugged and grabbed Libra and Virgo with her. Slowly, the three girls disappeared in thin air making Aries,Capricorn and Leo long for their sight.


"Higher! Jump higher", Aries shouted. Aries was Leo's "coach", and it was his job to make Leo feel intimated and weak. The effect was surely working on Leo as he dragged himself across the backyard.

Leo Pov
I know my friends are trying to help me, however, their "help" is going a little to far-extremely far. Aries was helping me with Soccer, and he was harsh! With Aries as a coach, I would want to cower in a corner and cry.

However, I am practicing to calm my anger and stay peaceful. Unlike my previous behavior.

"Aries-", his eyes narrowed down on me with fury. "Sorry, Coach, can I get a break", I winked. He nodded his head slowly as I ran into the house. I was gonna ditch Aries's class.


I grabbed a class and filled it with ice water. As the ice cubes crashed into eachother, I saw Pisces and Aquarius online shopping.

"Whatcha doin", I asked softening my voice.

"Dance, we are shopping for our High School Dance gowns", Pisces answered back as Aquarius nodded.

"Shouldn't you guys see the dresses, instead of seeing how they look on the laptop?", Aqua sighed.

"Yeah, we will", Aqua answered.

"The dance is in two weeks", I said with a more serious tone. The two girls nodded and continued for the perfect dress search.

I was about to take a sip from the cup till Capricorn pulled me to the study room.

"Don't you want to pass this test?", he asked. I nodded. Capricorn was annoyed alright! He had sweat stains on his dark grey t-shirt. The boy was breathing heavily and loud. "Basketball, if you forgot", Cap said as he ghasped for air. Oh yeah, Capricorn is on the basket ball team in school. He is also in drama. Capricorn is smart, he does a lot of things.

Anyways, I opened the physics book and groaned at the sight. There were way too many words, and each sentence took up a page. I groaned even more.

Virgo Pov
I was literally running around the house. I ran up and down the stairs in search of Capricorn, but never found him. I ran into the study to find a sweaty Capricorn who was half asleep and a Leo, who was sleeping.

"Cap", I screamed. Waking up both the boys, I smirk. "Coach Bolton wants you in the gym again. Something about talking with the team captain", his bright blue eyes were wide open at this point. I love his bright blue eyes, just saying!

Capricorn ran out the door as Leo smiled at the sight of him running out the door. "I will tutor you Leo", he sunk back into the seat as I began reading him the book. He sunk more and more into the seat. Muttering swears as he breathed, I continued reading the lesson.

Taurus Pov
I was walking through the halls to see shouts and cries from Leo and Virgo. I guess their plan to tutor Leo failed. I decided on helping the conflict, and walked in the room. Both of them dropped their raging arms to their sides and sheepishly smiled. I smiled back to them. "Do you guys need help or something because I can hear you both miles away", I explained. Virgo shook her head as if nothing happened, while Leo nodded his in rapid fire.

"Okay, Virgo take Leo's test and see the level he is at", I continued. After giving my amazing advice, she began looking for questions. Leo simply took a nap in the meantime. Smiling at myself for the genius work, I walked out of the room.

Leo Pov
I woke up too see a smiley Virgo and a Taurus who seemed to have disappeared in thin air. Virgo handed me a paper written TEST on it in big letters. She smiled and twirled out of the room. Okay...

I had an hour to finish the test.

Aries Pov
I have spent my whole day looking for Leo. The dude simply wasted my Saturday, which I could have spend with more joy. I even skipped my date with Libra!

I swear! If I see that douche again, I will beat him up and push down a gutter so he can do whatever he wants there.

"Leo!", Great! I found him. I ran into the study room to see a jolly Virgo and a calmed Leo. "You got a hundred on this test I made you! Gosh! You were being nervous for nothing!", she squealed. Leo stood up from his chair, this time his chest was sticking out and a grin spread across his face.

This was my que

No one Pov
Aries stomped into the room and took heavy breaths. As he lifted his arm, a giddy Taurus ran into the room wrapping her arms around Leo. "I am so proud of you!", she exclaimed with mixtures of squeaks and giggles. Slowly, Aries's arm came down. Leo scooped her off her feet and spun the fiddy girl around. Aries tapped his shakey feet. As Leo brought Taurus back to the ground, a scowl appeared on Aries again.

He lifted his strong arms and made them to fists. He grinded on his teeth ans brought his arm back. As Leo slowly turned around, the angry Aries's fist contacted with Leo's face.

"Don't ever make me waste another Saturday on you and your stupid Soccor practise!", he shouted. Leo rubbed his cheek and let out small cries. A wide eyed Taurus and Virgo stood by the corner flabbergasted by the view. "Great job on the test by the way, I hope you do good on the actual thing", Aries smiled and skipped away. Leaving the three teens even more shocked.


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