Chapter One

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     The worst part of the all the pain and torture is pretending everything's okay in the morning. That's thing thing about pain, it demands to be felt. Before one night's injuries can heal, more are added on. My body can barely keep up. There was a time when I was able to escape the pain, up until a few months ago even. I felt bad for lying and play mind games with my father, but he couldn't hurt me that way. And then my escape plan failed.
     It wasn't the best plan but it worked for almost a year. Then again, it made me seem weak. Maybe I was, trying to have a boy become my savior. I had learned, in time, that I could become my own savior if I tried hard enough. I was learning, ever so nice he left, that he was right about one thing. There was a fine line between courage and stupidity. I didn't know where that line was, but I was trying.
     I remember he always said that everything happens for a reason except for what you choose. I chose this for Finn. But for me, this wasn't even a choice, this was something I had to do. That's thing about family, you don't get to choose who they are, or what they do for you, but you choose what you do for them.
I would do anything for my brother, but I still couldn't tell him the truth because I was afraid he wouldn't let me take the hits for him. Only one of us needs scars, and that's me. I was afraid he wouldn't realize that. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I don't want Finn to ever know about any of this...ever.
     Last night, I was working on a drawing for the organization until my father came home and it happened again. I was so tired from staying up all night, I simply feel asleep and now my bed was stained with blood.
At least the task was drawing, something I'm comfortable doing. The tasks lately have been getting slightly more dangerous and unlawful. Nicking things from the market, stealing personal belongings, that sort of thing.
"Sofie, I need to borrow your- why's your bed covered in blood?" I glance over at the doorway where Finn is standing, eyeing my bed cautiously. I swear out loud. "Sofie... is there something you're not telling me?"
     "Nope, not at all," I say quickly. "I've told you everything." Guilt rises into my stomach, and yet, I am incapable of telling the truth. Lies had surrounded me; as much as I hate that, I hate change more.
I finally give in when he gives me the look of complete- and all- knowing. I take a deep breath and begin. "It all started when Mom died."
"What does that have to do why you're bleeding?"
"I'll get there, wait. Don't talk, this is hard enough as it is." Hesitant to tell him the truth, I continue. "Dad killed Mom. I saw the whole thing. She wanted to get a divorce and end their marriage. Someone told him she was cheating on him, so he went and confronted her. He was pumped on adrenaline, or whatever, and just kept hitting her. Apparently he hit her often, and so many hits in one night was too much. It was all because of that bastard at the bar.
     "That was the night she died. I heard the commotion and I went downstairs into the basement. He is s horrible father, Finn, he really is. I watched the whole thing and was hit because of it. The night he decided to hit me in place of Mom was the night when it all changed.
"People are flaunted and teased because of their flaws. Some say if you're different from the norm you should hide your differences and not talk about them. That's what I did, that's what I've done until now. I got hit seven times a night. She was hit as much as he felt like it. He knew that wasn't such a good idea, so he limited himself. Three hits for me, four for you. I don't know if it was because you were tougher, but I took those hits for you. Only one of us needs to be screwed up and I decided right then and there that it was going to be me." He gave me a look. "Don't say anything yet. It got worse. Remember how I used to always sneak out of the house? It was because I met a guy, Jordan. He was also a nobody and was in our year at school too. We started dating at fourteen. By the time we were fifteen, I started spending nights with him. Not like sex or anything, I just needed to escape Dad. A couple of months ago, we broke up. It was nasty. He yelled at me and hit me and I yelled right back. I don't know what happened to him, but he's gone now. Jordan is gone.
"I met Jordan for the first time outside of school for the first time when we were thirteen. I had an assignment with the organization-don't ask- and I ended up talking to him. Anyways, the organization is an organization focused on rebelling. Members don't see, or know, each other, and perform tasks given. I was a member. Membership isn't voluntary; they always have something you want in exchange. You got your tattoo removed through them. They didn't want you as a member, you had nothing to offer them. I, on the other hand, was perfect."
     "But- wait can I talk now?" I nod and he continues. "Why did they want you and not me?"
     "I was 'the embodied spirit of the organization.'" I now felt stupid for all the things I've done, saying them aloud. "Finn, there was a reason I told you this and didn't make up some excuse. You have to leave KaCaldo tonight."



Sorry for the late update. I'm going to try to update every other Thursday from now on instead of Tuesday because it's more convenient for me. The picture is of Finn. Luv you all. <3
        Xoxo, @harry_potter_obsess

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