Chapter Two

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     "Finn, there was a reason I told you all of this and didn't just make some excuse. You have to leave KaCaldo tonight."
"W-wh-what? Why?" he stutters from outrage.
I take a deep breath before I reply, "The organization started out by giving me easy tasks. Now, it's become dangerous. You're leaving tonight. I sent a letter to Aunt Natasha, she'll let you stay with her, but you have to pretend to be a servant."
"Natasha is just bitter towards us, our family, because of Kurtis. But I'm not being a servant," Finn says, glancing towards me angrily. "Or pretending to be or whatever."
     He was right of course, about Aunt Natasha, that is. She was a kind person in general, but has an old axe to grind with our family, so to speak. Kurtis, our uncle, left KaCaldo, as a young adult, for whatever reason, our father didn't go with him. Kurtis ran away all the pains of the past and the pain of being a nobody. He went to Ceina under a fake name and pretended to be a genius. There he met a girl. She was also a genius and they fell in love or whatever. He was caught, she was heartbroken.
     "I just don't understand how she became so rich and powerful if she was originally a genius."
     "I don't really understand either," I admit, but continue on with what I believe to be the truth. "I think when Kurtis left her, or got caught, she was left alone with their baby. Then the second rulers of Ceina died in some accident without a heir. They wanted someone to apply with a bunch of certain qualities, she did. Hence, the new second ruler of Ceina."
Of course that wasn't the full story, but that was most of what I knew. Key word: most. I didn't know all the details, but I knew the only reason they chose a genius like Natasha was to keep order among the "civilians." Something about rebellions or rumors or both.
I understood Finn was flabbergasted, it's surprising when someone who is barely given a second glance because they are thought of as inferior becomes an icon of hope. That's what happened to Natash, she wasn't thought of of special or different until she proved it. Maybe that's why I despised her so much, because she had the courage to prove she was special and that it's okay to be different. I didn't.
I was never one to stand up and fight back; I was the type of person who seemed to brush off insults, but really lost confidence piece by piece. Their insults were more painful because they were true. Sure lies hurt, but not as much as the truth. They made fun of me for my scars, they said I was afraid of change, so much more, and none of it was wrong.
     "Sofs, why aren't you coming to Ceina too?" Finn says interrupting my train of thought.
"First off, don't call me that. Second, I know they'll find me there." I knew I wasn't going to Ceina, but I had no idea where I should go. "Finn, just please. Pack a bag and leave tonight."
I never realized it until now, but there's a difference between wanting to be alone and being forced to be. I, as I now realized, was the primer. I pushed people away because I didn't want them to know my secrets. I even pushed my own brother away. Yet, I was desperate to be recognized as a real person again. That's what happened with Jordan. I was so desperate to be cared for and noticed, I let myself get taken advantage of. That couldn't happen again. I needed to leave KaCaldo as well, like I told Finn, but there was no way I could go to Ceina. I knew for a fact that they had a base just outside the city limits.
The word citate comes from the old word of city-state. A city-state is a city that owns property beyond the limits of the city. Citates are basically that same thing except besides owning the land, they don't monitor it. That's what started the minor rebellions throughout the years. Cities weren't huge, but they were big enough that when someone left, no one really noticed except their close friends and family. Rebels left, formed groups, and, when they were strong enough, rebelled against the government. I could go, Levi would probably know where the closest one is. But someone would notice I was gone. My father.


Sorry it's so short and kind of a filler and super late. I can make excuses like how I am busy a lot due to a club I have twice a week and how I had a big essay due and how I had writers block, but there's really no excuse, I'm just lazy. Sorry.
Next chapter things actually will happen. I hope you guys are excited. The picture at top is Jordan at 16/17. He will come back later in the story so be prepared.

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