Chapter 1 ~ School

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It's March 7th, 2014, and I, Jessica Evelyn Linder, am at my suddenly epic school.

After my heart break with my Ex-boyfriend, Benjamin Joseph Rizzo, my school was closed for a week.

When all the students returned to the school the next week, it was a freaking awesome resort that all the teachers worked at and we got to used it for classes.

Science turned into swimming.

Music turned into watching other schools that came in to perform for us.

Math turned into going to the beach and tanning or collecting sea shells or whatever you wanted to do.

Language turned into surfing lessons.

French was forgotten all together and turned into lunch time at the buffet, or the beach, it was pretty much free roam.

Gym was turned into swimming and art was now painting the landscape.

And we got the best rooms at the hotel, instead of lockers.

Mine was lavender with white and dark purple sheets, white carpets cover the wooden floors.

I have a 22" T.V. hanging on the wall above my white desk that had an open HP laptop on it.

Some of my watercolor paintings were taped on the walls along with a Taylor Swift poster.

I also had a walk in closet that held all my clothes, shoes and other things that I didn't put in my room.

The balcony was the best part.

When you walked out on to the quartz colored structure, you could walk out to the shaped metal railings and see the rolling ocean with forest surrounding it, the sandy beaches covered with other students preparing for their day ahead.

You could see all the buildings from the 6th floor; you could see the swim up bars, the snack bars, and the waterslides going into the pools.

My favorite part about the balcony is that at night, I get a sneak peak of the schools performing tomorrow because of my view of the pool front stage.

It was so cool to see the music being made; it helped me with my music.

. . .

"Hey." I heard knocks on my door as I grabbed my books from my bed.

"I'm coming!" I cried, running to open the door.

"Hey." My friend Hailey repeated when I opened the door and seen her face.

"Hey." I said back.

We walked to our first class of the day together, Music.

I had my books pressed tightly against my chest. So tight it was leaving marks in my skin underneath my hot pink and midnight black stripped T-shirt.

I moved my books to adjust my pink bikini top underneath.

My bare feet burned on the colored stones that made the walkway.

I never wore shoes anymore.

Surrounding the school was a huge glass dome that kept out all the cold weather.

"Cute pants." Hailey commented, I looked down at my plain black tights that now only went down to my knees.

"Thanks." I said back with a smile.

It was getting easier to smile since the breakup.

It still hurt to think about him but he hasn't been on my mind lately.

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