Synopsis ✔️

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Extended Summary:

Michael Clifford has it all. Loving parents, more wealth then the president, and girls to swoon at every flick of his hair.

So why is he always such a jackass?

Miley Morgan.

She was perfect. Mostly. People loved her, she had a 4.6 GPA, and she was always so caring to everyone around her. But don't let that fool you.

She was a tough cookie to crack.

Drowning in debt and scars, in a random turn of events, Miley is forced to be married to the essentric billionaire, at a price that she can't refuse.

But Michael isn't exactly pleased with the idea.

Curse words, tears, slaps to the face and sweet slow kisses, follow Michael and Miley on their path to a renewed friendship, and maybe.....

Something more.

Is it possible to fix a broken friendship?

Is it possible to get back what they once shared?

Or will it all just...



"F*ck you!"

"F*ck you back!"

"Go choke on some slut's tounge, asshole" I yelled back, and I rolled my eyes.

"Go choke on some manwhore's dick, b*tch"


~ Firecracker ~

Originally Published: June 29, 2016 11:30am

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