-12- ✔️

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"Miley c'mon already, wake up"

A GROGGY VOICE CUT THROUGH my peaceful slumber.

The morning light streamed in from the windows in the bedroom and I yawned before fluttering my eyes open. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table to see that it was nearing 6:50am before I shut my heavy eyelids once again.

"We have school, Miles" my eyes opened at the use of one of my old nickname coming from his lips, and I looked over to see Michael rubbing his eyes as he yawned.

What a kitten.

"I don't want to go to school" I groaned, placing a pillow over my head to block out the on coming sunlight.

"Too bad. Now get up"


"Get. Up."




"Get out of bed" he groaned.

"Make me breakfast first?"

"I can't cook, remember?" he rolled his eyes playfully and I let out a short laugh.

Michael and I had seemed to finally break the barrier that was digging a hole between the two of us. We could tolerate eachother much more now, and we acted friendly and our converstations flowed. We were becoming friends again, starting off this new day with teasing and playful bickering. And I was glad. Because I missed this Michael.

Friday night, three nights ago, had been the night that everything came out. And with everything out there in the open, it was easier to accept eachother now.

I watched as he walked out of the room to get himself ready for school, and I decided that I should as well.

I stood from the bed and I went into the connected bathroom and got into the shower, shaving and washing my hair and body down with vanilla scented body wash, and strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner.

After my breif shower, I got out and dried myself off. I went back into my room and put on some black undergarments as well as light blue skinny jeans, a plain white crop top and some ankle socks with my white ankle converse. A simple look for a Monday morning.

Brushing out my hair, I blow dried and straightened it and left it down before I grabbed my black backpack and phone, and headed to the kitchen.

"I'll drive alright?" Michael said as I entered the kitchen, placing his finished bowl of cereal into the sink.

"Will I live through it?" I gave him a playfully pointed look and he gave me an amused smile.

"You'll be fine, I swear"

"Then we should go" I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and headed towards the front door as I took a bite from it.

"Alright" Michael grabbed his bag off the counter and followed me out the front door, locking it behind him. I was about to ask Michael if he was also giving me a ride after school too, but my mouth dropped as I froze in my spot, Michael bumping into me.

"Shit! Miley, what the f*ck-..." when his voice trailed off, I knew that he had seen it too.

Both Michael's car and my own car that his parents had bought me were tainted in spray paint, ruining their glossy exteriors.

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