It's A Lie. He Will Do It Again.

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''Don't believe him...''


"I want you to promise."

 "I promise."

 "No I want you to promise that you won't lay a hand on me again."

 "I promise...". 

"You lied..." The taller tri-colored haired duelist thought with a bothered expression wearing wrist cuffs to cover over the bruises on his wrists from the previous day, "Hey Yami!" The younger looking twin said pouncing on Yami grabbing his shoulders making him jump and turn around with a paranoid expression surprising Yugi. "!...A-Ah it was only you Yugi... Don't do that, you scared me..." The duelist said with a sigh putting a hand over his pounding chest with the rest of the friends surprised, "You know since you came back with your own body you've been okay till now..." Tea said with Yami's amethyst eyes widening, "You mean since he got with that snobby rich kid..." Joey huffed making a face. "That doesn't have anything to do with me getting scared Joey." Yami said making a face putting a hand on his face running a hand through his golden bangs when the blonde duelist referred to Kaiba who was now his boyfriend, "He's right Joey... I mean I did pounce on him without warning so that was on me..." Yugi defended surprised when Yami hugged him from behind nuzzling against his neck. "This is why I love you Yugi, you understand me..." Yami said nudging his cheek against his making Yugi blush, "A-Alright! Just please stop doing this in class!", "No. You're just too fun to tease~" Yami teased hugging Yugi tightly with a smile when his bang brushed away from his check to reveal a small bruise alerting the friends. "Yami how did you get that bruise on your cheek?" Tea asked with Joey furrowing his brows at his friend who paused staying silent seeing him jolt up when a familiar brunette had grabbed him by his arm slightly roughly seeing Yami wince, "God damn it Kaiba watch the arm!" The duelist said letting go of Yugi and turning to him tensing up at familiar cold look in his cold eyes. "How did you get that bruise Yami." Kaiba asked wrapping his arms around his boyfriends neck feeling him shake a bit noticing Joey glare at him, "I bumped my cheek on the corner of the table when I fell off the bed that's all.", "I don't believe that for a second." Joey growled to the brunette, "You have a problem mutt?", "Why you!-", "Both of you stop!" Yami cut in pulling away from Kaiba and walking out the class door. "Nice going idiot." Kaiba growled getting into Joey's face who did the same before Yugi pushed in between them, "Can you two stop for one day! You're not helping Yami one bit!" Yugi said going out the door to follow after him with Tea and company scolding Kaiba who just rolled his eyes and headed over to his desk which was next to Yami's.

"Yami!" Making Yami panic when he felt someone grab his arm and turned to see it was Yugi, "Yugi... You have to stop scaring me-", "That bruise was from Kaiba wasn't it?" Yugi asked straightforward seeing Yami look down, "No... Why would he lay a hand on me?", "Because he has a bad temper that's why..." Yugi said seeing his other self get nervous before hearing the home room bell interrupt them to head to class, "It's time for class... Let's go.". Yugi wasn't satisfied with Yami unable to concentrate in class during the lecture since seeing the bruise on Yami's cheek never realizing he was also hiding bruises on both wrists and his right arm that was covered with his school jacket, Yami who sighed jotting down the notes but paused feeling Kaiba's blue eyes look over him making him uncomfortable. Yami was able to get through most classes with no problem letting a sigh of relief on the school rooftop at lunch time, "Jeez finally! I thought I was never going to make it to lunch!" Joey declared with a grin on the school rooftop with his lunch and company of friends sitting around him looking over to Yami who bit into a sandwich with his bruised cheek still bothered him. "Seriously, how did you get that bruise?" Joey asked again making the taller amethyst eyed duelist choke on his bite, "...Are you still with that?" Yami asked making a face after getting himself together, "I already told you I fell off the bed and accidentally hit my cheek on the edge of the desk.", "Lay off him will you." Tristan said nudging Joey's arm roughly making Yugi sigh, "Oh boy...". "Seriously if you're going to keep bothering me about that I might as well just spend time with Kaiba." Yami said making a face, "No! Just stay here!" Yugi said grabbing his wrist surprised when Yami immediately pulled it away with a pained expression worrying the friends before frowning, "I'm staying anyways... I haven't seen Kaiba since after class.", "Are you really sure you're alright?..." Tea and company asked worried. The taller amethyst eyed duelist just stood quiet biting into his sandwich again, "I'm just fine. Everything between me and Kaiba is just perfect." He lied feeling a pain in his chest at the lie, "Alright if you say so." Yugi said looking at Yami than at the friends who looked unconvinced, "Seriously though... If you ever have problems just come to us, you know we're here for you." Yugi said to Yami who just nodded.

"You'd think they would cut us some slack since it's a hot but they don't..." Joey complained during PE the last class of the day, "Why do we even have PE for our last class?" Tristan complained with Yugi making a face looking over to Yami who just shrugged glancing over to see Kaiba by the fence talking to a familiar blonde woman, "...Why is Kaiba talking to Mai?..." Yugi asked seeing Yami's expression change and get up suddenly and walk away to the basketball court. "Yami?...", "Let's play some ball instead of lazing around don't you think?" Yami said turning to the friends with his usual smile and ball in hand, "Yugi and I VS Joey and Tristan. Tea can keep track of the points of course." He said giving a challenging grin to them, "...You're on!" With the brunette who glanced over to them looking over to Yami who was teasing Yugi as usual dismissing himself from Mai who left. "We'll see you later alright!" Joey said to the taller amethyst eyed duelist who waved with a smile looking over to Yugi who looked at him unsurely, "You sure you'll meet us later?...", "I'm a hundred percent sure." He said to Yugi giving him a gentle push, "Now go before they go on without you." He said with a laugh with Yugi looking back one last time nodding before Yami gave a heavy sigh when he was left alone in the now empty hallway. "...We had homework for history right?" He thought walking towards his locker quickly opening it to grab the history book putting it into his backpack backing up to close the locker tensing up when Kaiba was behind the locker with a bothered serious expression and arms crossed shutting the locker door roughly, "What is your deal today!-", "You sure are hot and cold today aren't you Yami also... What did I tell you about ignoring me...". The tri-colored haired teen stood quiet at what he said getting nervous before standing his ground, "Oh and you think I didn't see you with little miss home wrecker earlier... Anyways I'll see you later I have things to do-" Yami huffed about to turn his back on Kaiba who grabbed his arm roughly and pushed him against the lockers sending a pain down his back and arm giving a pained expression, "You're hurting me...". 

"That attitude is the reason you have that bruise on your cheek." Kaiba said ignoring his boyfriend's pained look in his eyes roughly slamming both hands against the locker to keep Yami from escaping him, "I've had enough of this..." Yami spoke up with a shaky voice his eyes showing fear and paranoia, "So you're saying you want end this and have me go to Mai?", "She's the whole reason since you cheated on me before that you have this bad attitude now!-". The immediate sound of a slap across the face cutting him off echoed through the halls with Yami reacting with a flinched hurt expression putting a hand over his already bruised cheek shaking feeling small tears build up from the pain of the slap biting back on it, "...I'm done...", "Where are you going?", "I'm leaving you...", "No you're not come back." The angered brunette said grabbing his arm when Yami faced him with a broken expression. Something in Kaiba kicked in when realizing what he has done, "I love you so much but you can't keep doing this Kaiba..." Yami said pulling his arm and walking away putting his backpack on, "Come back it wasn't you. It was me." The brunette said going after him grabbing his hand feeling worse when Yami flinched turning around with a paranoid look in his eyes wrapping his arms around him leaning on him embracing him tightly. "...I'm so sorry..." Kaiba apologized with Yami who couldn't pull away when the brunette kissed ohis reddened bruised cheek, "I won't lay a hand again on you I promise..." With Yami trusting his words despite his previous actions hugging him back, "You know I love you Yami. I apologize...", "I know you do..." Accepting the apology even though deep down in his heart he know it was lie but was okay with the apology at that moment. Yugi who came back wanting to ask Yami about the homework was hiding in the turning hallway leaned against the lockers with a hand over his mouth in shock a few at the scene a feet away from them felt hurt when Yami had accepted his apologetic lie despite what he did getting saddened when he heard their footsteps walk in the other direction glancing around the corner to see them walking hand in hand and Yami leaned against Kaiba's shoulder, "It's a lie. He will do it again...".

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